House of Assembly: Wednesday, April 02, 2008



63 Mrs REDMOND (Heysen) (31 July 2007). With respect to the Forensic Science Program:

(a) why is the target to complete investigations within 42 days from lodgement set at 30 per cent, what indicators are used, be adopted;

(b) what was the average completion time for the 73 per cent of investigations not completed cases within 42 days from lodgement in 2006-07; and

(c) what action is being taken to address significant delays being experienced by people awaiting medical reports because of backlogs in the forensic science area?

The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON (Croydon—Attorney-General, Minister for Justice, Minister for Multicultural Affairs): A target of 42 days was originally chosen as that is the timeframe required for South Australia Police (SAPOL) investigators to lodge the brief upon charging of a suspect. The 2007-08 target of completing 30 per cent of all cases within 42 days was set as a challenging but achievable internal goal.

The average completion time for the 73 per cent of investigations not completed within 42 days of lodgement of the first items in 2006-07 was 227 days.

Initiatives are being taken to address backlogs in the completion of pathology reports. These include the outsourcing of body conveyancing, thereby freeing up mortuary technical assistance, increased administrative assistance for pathologists, engagement of the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science (IMVS) to do some post mortem examinations and the continued outsourcing of pathology medical reviews.

There is an international shortage of pathologists and FSSA is currently operating with two vacant pathologist positions. The filling of these positions is fundamental to reducing backlogs in pathology reports and an active recruitment program is underway. The use of short term overseas locum pathologists is also being investigated whilst the recruiting is attempted.