House of Assembly: Tuesday, February 26, 2008



In reply to Mr GRIFFITHS (Goyder) (28 June 2007) (Estimates Committee B).

The Hon. M.J. WRIGHT (Lee—Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Finance, Minister for Government Enterprises, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing): I am advised that all new government employee housing is constructed to meet a 5-star environmental rating.

Particular design features incorporated to improve environmental performance and attain 5 star energy ratings include:

solar orientation of buildings to minimise east/west facing windows where possible;

use of vertical 'sun Block' fabric blinds to internal windows;

use of energy saver gas heating;

use of energy efficient evaporative cooling systems;

use of insulation to walls and roof;

installation of large capacity rainwater tanks to collect roof stormwater;

use of dual flush cisterns to toilets; and

use of roof mounted solar boosted hot water systems.

There is a program in place in the northern regions for the installation of verandas to existing houses to reduce indoor temperature. A program is also in place across the entire housing stock to replace incandescent light globes with energy efficient globes.

Consideration is also being given to future opportunities to install solar hot water systems and water efficient showerheads and improve insulation in existing stock.

Appliances account for up to 40 per cent of the energy consumed in an average household. Purchase of appliances is a matter of choice for the tenant, however tenants are provided with advice on which products are the most energy efficient.