House of Assembly: Tuesday, February 26, 2008



In reply to Mr GRIFFITHS (Goyder) (28 June 2007) (Estimates Committee B).

The Hon. M.J. WRIGHT (Lee—Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Finance, Minister for Government Enterprises, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing): I am advised that Service SA rural agents are paid a combination of a flat grant amount, and commissions per financial transaction where money has been collected from a customer.

The commission for each financial transaction differs with varying degrees of effort required for different types of services and the amount Service SA has brokered under cost recovery regime from the agencies responsible for the services.

Commissions paid to agents (not including the GST component) are as follows:

Transaction Commission Paid per Transaction $
Driver Theory Test 14.00
Sale Driver's Handbook 1.00
Boat Licence Theory Test
Boat Licence Theory Test
Pass and application for licence
Application for Boat Licence
From interstate or coxswain licence
Sale Power of Attorney Kit 2.82
Sale Power of Guardianship Kit 2.82
Sale Health Report—full report 4.90
Sale Health Report—summary report 1.40
Sale Plants of Outback SA 3.50
Sale Now You Are a Guardian 4.00
Aquaculture Lease/Licence Renewal 1.00
Recreational Rock Lobster Registration Renewal 1.00
Commercial Fishing Licence Fee 1.00
PIRSA Corporate Finance Payment 1.00
SA Water Bill Payment 1.00

I am further advised that grants make up the greatest proportion of the funding paid to agents based on a rate equivalent to $5,885 + GST per annum.

Service SA have advised rural agent funding arrangements will be reviewed during this financial year.