ATKINSON, Michael John
- Banfield, Hon. D.h.l.
- Citizen's Right of Reply
- Clerk, Retirement
- Creedon, Hon. C.W.
- Davenport By-Election
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Freedom of Information
- Governor's Speech
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act
- Indigenous Communities Funding
Member for Heysen
Parliament House Security
- Presentation to Governor
- Southcott, Heather
- Speaker, Election
Speaker's Ruling
- Standing Orders Committee
- Stanley, Dr Coral
- State Election Campaign
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Supplementary Questions
- Questions
- Answers
BEDFORD, Frances Ellen
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Australian International 3 Day Event
- Courts Administration (Directions) Amendment Bill
- Dennis, Retired Lieutenant Colonel Michael
- Economic and Finance Committee
- Festival of Music
- Ice Factor Spectacular
- Lady Kintore Cottages (Trust Property) Amendment Bill
- Lyell McEwin Hospital
- Mary, Lady Downer
- Military Commemorations
- Miller, Mr Alan
- Modbury Cricket Club
- Modbury Special School
- Muriel Matters Room
- National Calisthenic Championships
- National Police Remembrance Day
- National Reconciliation Week
- Pedal Prix
- Performing Arts
- Premier's ANZAC Spirit School Prize
- Remembrance Day
- Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of SA
- Royal Society for the Blind
- Social Development Committee: Sale and Consumption of Alcohol
- Southcott, Heather
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Supply Bill 2014
- University of Adelaide
- Valedictories
- Victory Church
- White Ribbon Day
- Whitlam, Hon. E.G.
- Autism
- Common Ground Adelaide Apartments
- Crime Prevention
- Disability Justice Plan
- Early Childhood Education
- Federal Budget
- Homeless Funding Arrangements
- Housing SA
Information and Communication Technology
- Matthew Flinders Statue
Modbury Hospital
- Northern Disability Hub
- OzAsia Festival
- Park-And-Ride Facilities
BELL, Troy Stephen
- Speeches
Affordable Housing
- Carers Week
Common Ground Adelaide Apartments
- Communities and Social Inclusion Department
Communities and Social Inclusion Department Screening Unit
- 2014-07-01
- Communities and Social Inclusion Grants
- Community Foodbank Program
Community Housing
- 2014-07-02
- Community Safety Directorate
- Community Support Services
- 2014-10-15
Concessions and Seniors Information System
- 2014-09-23
- Domiciliary Care SA
- Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme
- Emergency Services Levy
Energy Concession Scheme
- 2014-09-23
- Family and Community Development Program
- Family Wellbeing Centres
- Federal Budget
- Gamblers Rehabilitation Fund
- Government Boards and Committees
Homeless Figures
- Homeless Funding Arrangements
Housing SA
- Housing SA Customer Debt
- Housing SA Multi-Trade Contract
- Housing SA Rent and Occupancy Reviews
Housing SA Waiting List
Indigenous Programs, Grants and Funding
Member for Reynell
Multicultural SA
- National Rental Affordability Scheme
- Office for the Ageing
- Oncall Language Services
- Portolesi, Ms G.
- Public Sector Screening Review
- Public Service Employees
- Retirement Villages Register
- Riverland Housing
Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
- South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission
- State Government Concessions
Unanswered Questions on Notice
- Volunteer Support Fund
- Volunteering Strategy for South Australia
- Youth Development Programs
Youth Justice
- Youth Programs
BIGNELL, Leon William Kennedy
- Speeches
- Adelaide Shores
- Agriculture Sector
- Australian International 3 Day Event
Brighton Rugby Union Football Club
Bundaleer Forest
- China Trade
- China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Clipsal 500
- Commonwealth Games
- Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus
- Eyre Peninsula
- Federal Budget
Forestry Forum
- ForestrySA Indigenous Programs
Fruit Fly
Grain Crop
- Hassad Australia
- India Trade
Indigenous Programs, Grants and Funding
- 2014-08-07
- International Visitors
- Lenswood Research Centre
Marine Parks
- New Horizons
- Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme
- Pastoral Lands Visit
- Phylloxera
- Port Pirie Sports Facility
Rural Research and Development for Profit
- South Australian River Murray Sustainability Irrigation Industry Improvement Program
- South East Forestry Partnerships Program
Sports Vouchers
- Tour Down Under
BROCK, Geoffrey Graeme
- Appropriation Bill 2014
- Economic and Finance Committee
- Local Government (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks (Sanctuary Zones) Amendment Bill
- Metropolitan, Rural and Remote Regions Relationship
- Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council
Port Pirie Smelter
- Regional Development Australia
- Regional Development Fund
- Regional Health Services
- Regional Impact Assessment Statements
- Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of SA
- Sittings and Business
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- White Ribbon Day
- Black Spot Funding
Clare Valley Water Supply
- Downer Edi Port Augusta
Emergency Services Levy
Grant Expenditure
Housing SA
- Indigenous Programs, Grants and Funding
Jobs Accelerator Fund
- Legislative Council President
- Local Government Act
- Local Government Elections
Local Government Oath of Office
- Major Projects Fund
Marine Parks
- 2014-09-18
- 2014-10-29
Member for Frome, Government Agreement
- Ministerial Staff
- Murray River Funding
- Murray-Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Program
- Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme
- Nyrstar
Public Service Employees
- Regional Development Australia
Regional Development Fund
- Regional Impact Assessment Statements
Regional South Australia Cabinet Committee
- Road Funding
Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
- Skills for Jobs in Regions
South Australian Regional Organisation of Councils
- Water Pricing
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2014
- Bryant, Mr Malcolm
- Caica Cup
- Child Protection
- Colton Electorate
- Commission of Inquiry on Electoral Reform Bill
Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill
- Container Deposit Scheme
- Electoral Reform
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Federal Government
- Jones, Mr Henry
- Marine Parks (Sanctuary Zones) Amendment Bill
- Member for Unley
- Port Pirie Smelter
- Premier's Reading Challenge
- Return to Work Bill
- Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of SA
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Supply Bill 2014
- Tanning Beds
- University of Adelaide
- Volunteers
- Walk Together
- White Ribbon Day
- Australian International 3 Day Event
- Business Transformation Voucher Program
- China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
- Defence White Paper
- Expert Panel on Planning Reform
- Federal Budget
- Investment and Trade Initiatives
- Office for the Public Sector
- Public Sector Change Projects
- Public Transport
- Remote Airstrip Upgrade Program
- Riverbank Precinct
- Road Safety Fund
- South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission
- Universal Access Program
CHAPMAN, Vickie Ann
- Address in Reply
- Administration and Probate (Removal of Requirement for Surety) Amendment Bill
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Australian Crime Commission (South Australia) (Examinations) Amendment Bill
- Banfield, Hon. D.h.l.
- Bolaffi, Mr Allen
- Child Development and Wellbeing Bill
- Child Sex Offenders Registration (Control Orders and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- City of Adelaide (Capital City Committee) Amendment Bill
- Civil Liability (Disclosure of Information) Amendment Bill
- Commission of Inquiry on Electoral Reform Bill
Commissioner for Kangaroo Island Bill
- Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Character Evidence) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Sexual Offences - Cognitive Impairment) Amendment Bill
- Domestic and Family Violence
- Domestic Violence
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Evidence (Protections for Journalists) Amendment Bill
- Fair Work (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Freedom of Information (Offences) Amendment Bill
- Government Accountability
- Greste, Mr Peter
Housing Trust Tenants Association
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Legislative Review Committee: Partial Defence of Provocation
- Member for Heysen
- Member's Leave
- Minister for Education and Child Development
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Parliament House Security
- Public Works Committee: State Drill Core Reference Library Facility
Return to Work Bill
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Charitable Trust (Membership of Trust) Amendment Bill
- 2014-11-11
- Social Development Committee: Recidivist Young Offenders and Youth Parole Board Act Review
South Australian Employment Tribunal Bill
- Southcott, Heather
- Speaker's Ruling
- Stamp Duties (Off-The-Plan Apartments) Amendment Bill
Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Legal Practitioners) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Bill
- Statutory Officers Committee
- Succession to the Crown (Request) Bill
- Such, Hon. R.b.
Supply Bill 2014
- University of Adelaide
- White Ribbon Day
- Whitlam, Hon. E.G.
- Adelaide Casino
Adelaide Festival Centre
- Affordable Housing
APY Lands
- Buckland Park
- Bute to Kulpara Road Upgrade
Child Protection
Corcoran, Ms Mary-Lou
Courts Administration Authority
- Cyber Safety Campaign
- Darlington Interchange
Debelle Inquiry
- Domestic Violence
- Early Childhood Education
Families SA Adverse Events Review Committee
- Footy Express
Freedom of Information
Gawler Rail Line
Gillman Land Sale
- 2014-09-17
- 2014-10-14
- 2014-10-28
- 2014-12-04
- Government Buildings
- Government Employee Housing
- Harvey, Mark Christopher
Kerin, Dr Paul
- Laura to Gladstone Road Upgrade
Legislative Council President
Local Councils
- Millswood Railway Station
Ministerial Staff
More Than Cars Campaign
- Mount Barker, Littlehampton and Nairne Strategic Infrastructure Plan
- Netley Commercial Park
Newport Quays
Newport Quays Development
- O-Bahn
O-Bahn Tunnel
- Premier and Cabinet Department
- Regional Impact Assessment Statements
Riverbank Authority
Riverbank Precinct
- Road Maintenance
Road Safety
- Royal Visit
- SafeWork SA Advisory Council
- Social Ventures Australia
South Road Upgrades
- 2014-07-01
- Victims of Crime Compensation Scheme
- Water Pricing
CLOSE, Susan Elizabeth
- Address in Reply
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill 2014
- 2014-07-02
- Clean Energy Summit
- Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill
- Commissioner for Public Sector Employment
- Export Industry
- Marine Parks
- Marine Parks (Sanctuary Zones) Amendment Bill
- Office for the Public Sector
Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Renewable Energy) Amendment Bill
- 2014-09-18
- Public Sector Enterprise Agreement
- Service SA
Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
- Site Contamination, Hendon Area
- Sittings and Business
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Supply Bill 2014
- Whitlam, Hon. E.G.
Automotive Industry
- Automotive Transformation Taskforce
Business Transformation Voucher Program
- Carr Components
- Clare Valley Water Supply
Combet, Mr Greg
Commissioner for Public Employment
Commissioner for Public Sector Employment
- 2014-07-03
- 2014-10-14
- Digital Market Square
- Domestic Violence
- Government Digital Strategy
- Grant Expenditure
Grant Programs
- Grants and Subsidies
- ICT Awards
- Information and Communication Technology
- Investment and Trade Initiatives
Manufacturing Sector
- Manufacturing Technologies Program
- Manufacturing Works
- Murray River Funding
- Murray-Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Program
Office for the Public Sector
- Open Data Initiatives
- Our Jobs Plan
- Public Sector Change Projects
- Public Sector Workforce
- Public Service Employees
- Regional Business
Service SA
- Shared Services
Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
- Small Business Innovation Research
- South Australian Executive Service Induction Program
- Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages
Tonsley Park Development
DIGANCE, Annabel Faith Catford
- Ach Group
- Active Elders Association
- Address in Reply
- Child Development and Wellbeing Bill
- Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill
- Edwardstown Primary School
- Flinders University Tonsley Campus
- Gym Assembly
- International Day for Disaster Reduction
- Legislative Review Committee
- Legislative Review Committee: Partial Defence of Provocation
- New Venture Institute Awards
- Oaklands Estate Residents' Association
Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Public Works Committee: Happy Valley Outfall Channel Upgrade Project
Public Works Committee: Port Lincoln, Adelaide Women's, Mount Gambier Prison Expansions
- Public Works Committee: Riverland Regional Visit
- Public Works Committee: State Drill Core Reference Library Facility
- Rajah Street Community House
- Refugees
- Sittings and Business
- Southern Science Expo
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Suicide Prevention
- Tonsley Park Public Transport Project
White Ribbon Day
- Aged-Care Beds
- Business Transformation Voucher Program
- Clipsal 500
- Cycling Infrastructure
- Domestic Violence
- Ebola Virus
- Expert Panel on Planning Reform
- Federal Budget
- India Trade
- Mount Barker, Littlehampton and Nairne Strategic Infrastructure Plan
- National Commission of Audit
- Regional Business
South Road Upgrades
- Tonsley Park Development
EVANS, Iain Frederick
Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Commissioner for Public Employment
- Economic and Finance Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Freedom of Information
- Health Services
- Holmes, Mr Allan
- HomeStart Finance
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act
Industrial Relations Commission
- Member for Heysen
- Parliamentary Committees (Electoral Laws and Practices Committee) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work Bill
- Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Bill
- Such, Hon. R.b.
Supply Bill 2014
Capital Works
- Car Parking Levy
- Child Protection
Commissioner for Public Employment
Commissioner for Public Sector Employment
- Courts Administration Authority
- Emergency Services Levy
- Forestry Fire Insurance Fund
Freedom of Information
Gawler Rail Line
- Health Budget
HomeStart Finance
- Marine Parks
Motor Accident Commission
- Mount Barker, Littlehampton and Nairne Strategic Infrastructure Plan
- National Commission of Audit
- Privatisation
Public Sector Appointments
- Public Sector Confidentiality Agreements
- Regional Health Services
State Final Demand
State Finances
- State Government Revenue
- State Growth
GARDNER, John Anthony William
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Report 2013-14
- Address in Reply
- Anti-Semitism
Appropriation Bill 2014
- 2014-07-02
- Asylum Seekers
- Australian Crime Commission (South Australia) (Examinations) Amendment Bill
- Bolaffi, Mr Allen
- Campbelltown Rotary Outback Experience
- Cherry Farming
- Child Development and Wellbeing Bill
- Commission of Inquiry on Electoral Reform Bill
- Controlled Substances (Simple Possession Offences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- Domestic and Family Violence
- Domestic Violence
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
- Gorge Road Closures
- Ibrahim, Mariam
- Industrial Relations Commission
- Local Government (Elections) (Voting) Amendment Bill
- Member's Leave
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Parliamentary Behaviour
- Public Works Committee: Port Lincoln, Adelaide Women's, Mount Gambier Prison Expansions
- Social Development Committee: Sale and Consumption of Alcohol
- Stanley, Dr Coral
- Statutes Amendment (Rights of Foster Parents and Guardians) Bill
- Succession to the Crown (Request) Bill
- Such, Hon. R.b.
Supply Bill 2014
- Thurnwald, Mrs L.g.
- University of Adelaide
- White Ribbon Day
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Firefighters) Amendment Bill
- World Sport Rugby Carnival
- Aboriginal Liaison Officers
- Abuse Prevention Programs
Adelaide Women's Prison
Asylum Seekers
- Cabinet Conduct
Child Protection
Correctional Services
Domestic Violence
Drug and Alcohol Services
Justice Reform
- Kerin, Dr Paul
Ministerial Staff
- National Police Certificate Applications
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy
- Police Accommodation
- Police Cars
Police Cells
Police Disciplinary Tribunal
Police, Body-Worn Video
Prison Capacity
- Prison Guard Uniforms
- Prison Tenders
Prisoner Numbers
- 2014-10-14
- Prisoner Rehabilitation Programs
- Prisoners, Mobile Phones
- Prisons, Illicit Drugs and Contraband Detection
- Project Shield
- South Australia Police
Youth Justice
- Youth Mental Health First Aid
GEE, Jonathan Peter
- Speeches
- Questions
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Local Government (Elections) (Voting) Amendment Bill
- Metropolitan, Rural and Remote Regions Relationship
- Return to Work Bill
- Supply Bill 2014
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Firefighters) Amendment Bill
- Questions
GRIFFITHS, Steven Paul
- Address in Reply
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill 2014
- 2014-07-24
- City of Adelaide (Capital City Committee) Amendment Bill
Commissioner for Kangaroo Island Bill
- 2014-08-07
- 2014-09-18
- Commonwealth Games
Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
- Freedom of Information (Offences) Amendment Bill
- Goyder Electorate
- Housing Trust Tenants Association
Local Government (Elections) (Voting) Amendment Bill
- 2014-06-19
- 2014-09-25
- Local Government (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks (Sanctuary Zones) Amendment Bill
- Metropolitan, Rural and Remote Regions Relationship
- Port Pirie Smelter
- Regional Development Australia
Regional Impact Assessment Statements
- Select Committee on a Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1987
Supply Bill 2014
- Travel Agents Repeal Bill
Black Spot Funding
- Cabinet Conduct
Clare Valley Water Supply
- Council Rate Concessions
Emergency Services Levy
Grant Expenditure
Jobs Accelerator Fund
Local Government Act
- 2014-06-17
Local Government Oath of Office
- Major Projects Fund
Marine Parks
- 2014-05-22
Member for Frome, Government Agreement
- Ministerial Staff
Murray River Funding
Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme
- Premier's State/Local Government Forum
Public Service Employees
- Regional Development Australia
Regional Development Fund
- Regional Development Portfolio
Regional Impact Assessment Statements
Regional South Australia Cabinet Committee
- Rex Minerals
Road Funding
- SA Water
South Australian Regional Organisation of Councils
- Volunteer Firefighters, Workers Compensation
Water Pricing
HAMILTON-SMITH, Martin Leslie James
- Address in Reply
- Air Warfare Destroyer Project
- Anti-Semitism
- Appropriation Bill 2014
- China Trade
Defence Shipbuilding
- Marine Parks (Sanctuary Zones) Amendment Bill
- Minister for Education and Child Development
- Remembrance Day
- South-East Asia Engagement Strategy
- Statutes Amendment (Legal Practitioners) Bill
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Unconventional Gas Projects
- World War I
- Fleet SA
Penrice Soda
- ANZAC Centenary Memorial Garden Walk
- China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Citrus Exports
- Clean Energy Package
Defence Shipbuilding
- Defence White Paper
- Grant Expenditure
Indonesia Trade
- 2014-08-05
- Investment and Trade Initiatives
- Job Creation
- Land 400 Project
- Ministerial Staff
- Public Service Employees
- State Export Figures
- Submarine Program
- Torrens Parade Ground
- Trade and Investment Ministers' Meeting
- Trade Figures
Trade Missions
- Address in Reply
- Carers SA Awards
- Child Development and Wellbeing Bill
- Christie Downs Fun Day
- Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill
- Community Service Organisations
- Domestic and Family Violence
- Domestic Violence
Federal Budget
- Murray River
- Public Schools
- Regional Schools, Asset Disposal
- School Funding
- Social Development Committee
- Social Development Committee: Recidivist Young Offenders and Youth Parole Board Act Review
- Superannuation Guarantee
- Surfing Reserve
- Youth Sector
- Adelaide City Investment
- Australian of the Year Awards
- Carers Week
- Education System
- Employment
- Federal Budget
- Kangaroo Island Futures Authority
- Late Night Trading Code of Practice
- Mid North Visit
- National Education Reform Agreement
- Prime Minister's Prizes for Science
School Funding
- Southern Expressway
- Transforming Health Summit
HUGHES, Edward Joseph
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Report 2013-14
- Address in Reply
- Asbestos Victims Memorial Service
- Child Development and Wellbeing Bill
- China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
- Giles Electorate
- Local Government (Elections) (Voting) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks (Sanctuary Zones) Amendment Bill
- Muradel Demonstration Project
- Petrol Pricing
- Port Pirie Smelter
- Regional Health Services
- Renewable Energy
- Renewable Energy Projects
- Affordable Housing
- China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
- Country Cabinet
- Diesel Storage Facility
Federal Budget
- Grain Crop
- International Mining and Resources Conference
- Local Government Elections
- Mineral and Energy Resources
- Murray River Ferries
- Nyrstar
- Oil and Gas Sector
- Regional Development Fund
- Strzelecki Track
- Whyalla Mental Health Unit
- Woomera Prohibited Area
KENYON, Thomas Richard
- Address in Reply
- Anti-Semitism
- Cyprus Conflict
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee
Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Housing Trust Tenants Association
- Ibrahim, Mariam
- Local Government (Elections) (Voting) Amendment Bill
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Parliamentary Committees (Electoral Laws and Practices Committee) Amendment Bill
- Port Pirie Smelter
- Public Works Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Taiwan
- Tanning Beds
- White Ribbon Day
- Whitlam, Hon. E.G.
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (SACFS) Amendment Bill
- Cell Therapy Manufacturing
- Country Fire Service
- Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus
- Defence Shipbuilding
- Health Funding
- Manufacturing Sector
- Natural Disaster Risk Management
- Nitschke, Dr Philip
- Premier's Community Excellence Awards in Mining and Energy
- Regional Development
- Regional Mining and Infrastructure Plan
- Renew Adelaide Scheme
Rex Minerals
- SA Power Networks
- Saab Advanced Maritime Systems Centre
- State Drill Core Reference Library
KEY, Stephanie Wendy
- Address in Reply
- Advance Care Directives
- Appropriation Bill 2014
- Climate Change
- Council on the Ageing South Australia
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Federal Budget
- Ibrahim, Mariam
- Indigenous Schooling
- Millswood Railway Station
- National Commission of Audit
- Natural Resources Committee
Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Older Worker Entitlements
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report 2013-14
Return to Work Bill
- Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of SA
Select Committee on a Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1987
- Southcott, Heather
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Supply Bill 2014
Voluntary Euthanasia
- Adelaide CBD High School Development
- Adelaide City Investment
- Advance Care Directives
- Art Gallery of South Australia
- Australian Renewable Energy Agency
- Common Ground Adelaide Apartments
- Early Childhood Education
- Education and Child Development Department
- Grant Programs
- JusticeNet SA
- Open Data Initiatives
- OzAsia Festival
- Safe Work Week
- South Road Upgrades
- Submarine Program
KNOLL, Stephan Karl
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Child Protection Screening
Commission of Inquiry on Electoral Reform Bill
- Commissioner for Kangaroo Island Bill
- Domestic and Family Violence
- Dyslexia
- Enforcement of Judgments (Garnishee Orders) Amendment Bill
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Fair Work (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Freedom of Information (Offences) Amendment Bill
- Ibrahim, Mariam
- Industry Development
- Metropolitan, Rural and Remote Regions Relationship
- Murray River
- Muster, Mrs Robyn
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report 2013-14
- Phillips Family Land
- Public Finance and Audit (Treasurer's Instructions) Amendment Bill
- Purchase Cards
- Regional Development Australia
- Regional Health Services
- Regional Impact Assessment Statements
- Regional Schools, Asset Disposal
- Return to Work Bill
- Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of SA
- Schubert Electorate
Select Committee on a Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1987
- South Australian Employment Tribunal Bill
- Speed Limits
- Stamp Duties (Off-The-Plan Apartments) Amendment Bill
State Budget
- Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Rights of Foster Parents and Guardians) Bill
Supply Bill 2014
- White Ribbon Day
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Firefighters) Amendment Bill
- Barossa Valley Health Facility
- Licensed Venues
- Regional South Australia
Skills for Jobs in Regions
- South-Eastern Link Road
- Appropriation Bill 2014
Budget Measures Bill 2014
- Budget Papers
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Federal Budget
- Fleet SA
- Parliamentary Committees (Electoral Laws and Practices Committee) Amendment Bill
- Port Pirie Smelter
Public Finance and Audit (Treasurer's Instructions) Amendment Bill
Small Business Commissioner
Stamp Duties (Off-The-Plan Apartments) Amendment Bill
- State Election Campaign
Statutes Amendment (Energy Consumers Australia) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Superannuation) Bill
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Supply Bill 2014
- Whitlam, Hon. E.G.
- Adelaide City Investment
- Australian Renewable Energy Agency
- Black Spot Funding
- Brighton Rugby Union Football Club
Capital Works
Car Parking Levy
Carbon Tax
- Carryover Expenditure
- China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
- Clare Valley Water Supply
- Cooper Basin
- Correctional Services
- Council Rate Concessions
- Diesel Storage Facility
Electricity Prices
Emergency Services Levy
- 2014-09-25
- 2014-11-11
- 2014-11-12
- 2014-11-18
- 2014-11-20
Employment Figures
Essential Services Commission
- 2014-10-29
Essential Services Pricing
- Fleet SA
- Foodland Iga
- Forestry Fire Insurance Fund
Future Fund
Gillman Land Sale
Glynde Substation
- Goods and Services Tax
- Grant Revenue
- Guarantee Fees and Credit Spreads
HomeStart Finance
- International Mining and Resources Conference
Kerin, Dr Paul
- Meet the Buyer Forums
- Member for Frome, Government Agreement
- Millswood Railway Station
Mineral and Energy Resources
- Minerals Resource Rent Tax
Motor Accident Commission
- 2014-10-14
- Murray-Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Program
- National Education Reform Agreement
Oil and Gas Sector
- 2014-10-14
- 2014-11-11
- 2014-12-02
Penrice Soda
- Premier's Community Excellence Awards in Mining and Energy
- Public Sector Employment
- Public Sector Wages
Public Transport
Regional Impact Assessment Statements
- 2014-08-06
Rex Minerals
- 2014-08-05
- Road Funding
- SA Power Networks
SA Water
Service SA
Small Business Commissioner
- South Australian Government Financing Authority
- South Road Upgrades
State Budget
- State Budget Operating Surpluses
- State Drill Core Reference Library
- State Final Demand
State Finances
- State Government Revenue
- State Growth
- Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages
- Treasury and Finance Department
- Volunteer Firefighters, Workers Compensation
Water Industry Reform
Water Pricing
- 2014-11-12
- Women's and Children's Hospital
- Woomera Prohibited Area
MARSHALL, Steven Spence
- Address in Reply
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Banfield, Hon. D.h.l.
- Budget Measures Bill 2014
- Clerk, Retirement
- Commission of Inquiry on Electoral Reform Bill
- Commission of Inquiry on Water Pricing Bill
Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill
- Creedon, Hon. C.W.
- Defence Shipbuilding
- Domestic Violence
Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
Emergency Services Funding (SACAT) Amendment Bill
- 2014-12-04
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Fair Work (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Federal Budget
- Goss, Hon. W.k.
- Governor, Appointment
- Islamic College of South Australia
- Leader of the Opposition
- Member's Remarks
- Minister for Education and Child Development
- Mr McKenzie
- National Day of Mourning, Malaysian Airlines
- Norwood Cork Tree
- Parliamentary Committees (Electoral Laws and Practices Committee) Amendment Bill
- Privatisation
Return to Work Bill
- South Australian Employment Tribunal Bill
- Southcott, Heather
- Speaker, Election
- Standing Orders Suspension
- Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Superannuation) Bill
Such, Hon. R.b.
Supply Bill 2014
- Valedictories
- Whitlam, Hon. E.G.
- World War I
Adelaide Festival Centre Car Park
- Ambulance Services
APY Lands
APY Lands, Governance
- Art Gallery of South Australia
- Arts SA
Automotive Industry
Bushfire Preparedness
Car Parking Levy
Carbon Tax
Carr Components
- Carryover Expenditure
Child Protection
- Question Time (14:30)
- Question Time (14:30)
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- Question Time (14:39)
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- Question Time (14:40)
- Question Time (14:41)
- Question Time (14:43)
Commissioner for Public Sector Employment
- 2014-07-03
- 2014-10-14
Departmental Contracts
Emergency Departments
Emergency Services Levy
- 2014-11-18
- 2014-11-19
Employment Figures
Enterprise Patient Administration System
Environment Protection Authority
- Essential Services Commission
Essential Services Pricing
Families SA Internal Audit
- Families SA Staffing
Future Fund
- Gi
Gillman Land Sale
- 2014-10-14
- Goods and Services Tax
- Grant Expenditure
- Grant Programs
- Grant Revenue
- Guarantee Fees and Credit Spreads
Health and Hospital Care
- Health Department Staffing
- HomeStart Finance
Hospital Beds
Hospital Staff, Safety
Hospital Waiting Times
Job Creation
Kerin, Dr Paul
Legislative Council President
- Local Government Oath of Office
Marine Parks
Member for Frome, Government Agreement
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
- Motor Accident Commission
Noarlunga Hospital
Nurse Staffing Levels
- Nyrstar
- Office for the Public Sector
Oil and Gas Sector
- Old Police Barracks and Armoury
Planning and Development Process
Port Adelaide
- Public Sector Wages
- Public Service Employees
Public Transport
- Regional Employment
Repatriation General Hospital
- Residential Care Facilities
Riverbank Precinct
Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption
SA Water
- Shared Services
Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
- Question Time (14:10)
- Question Time (14:11)
- Question Time (14:15)
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- Question Time (14:43)
- Question Time (14:44)
- Question Time (14:45)
- 2014-10-14
South Australia's Strategic Plan
South Australian Democracy Gallery
- South Australian Executive Service Induction Program
- South Australian Government Financing Authority
- South Road Upgrades
State Budget
- State Budget Operating Surpluses
Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages
- 2014-11-11
Taxation Reform
- Treasury and Finance Department
Water Industry Reform
Water Pricing
Work Health and Safety Audits
- Answers
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Report 2013-14
- Address in Reply
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Bryant, Mr Malcolm
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
- Enforcement of Judgments (Garnishee Orders) Amendment Bill
- Greste, Mr Peter
- Health Funding
Housing Trust Tenants Association
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act
Indigenous Communities Funding
- International Day for Disaster Reduction
Lady Kintore Cottages (Trust Property) Amendment Bill
- Member for Heysen
- Regional Health Services
- Return to Work Bill
- Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Charitable Trust (Membership of Trust) Amendment Bill
- Select Committee on a Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1987
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Supply Bill 2014
- Tanning Beds
- Travel Agents Repeal Bill
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Firefighters) Amendment Bill
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (SACFS) Amendment Bill
- World War I
Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division
- Adelaide Shores
- ANZAC Centenary Memorial Garden Walk
APY Lands
- APY Lands, Early Childhood Development Program
APY Lands, Family Wellbeing Centres
APY Lands, Governance
- APY Lands, Mental Health Services
- APY Lands, Truancy Officers
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Bore Water Testing
Children with Disabilities
- City Respite Facility
- Client Management System
Communities and Social Inclusion Department
Communities and Social Inclusion Department Screening Unit
- Communities and Social Inclusion Grants
- Community Foodbank Program
Community Housing
- 2014-07-02
- Community Safety Directorate
- Community Support Services
Concessions and Seniors Information System
- 2014-09-23
- Disability Care Management System
Disability Funding
- Disability Home Modifications
Disability Services
Disability Services Grants
- Domiciliary Care
- Domiciliary Care SA
- Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme
Emergency Services
Emergency Services Levy
Energy Concession Scheme
- 2014-09-23
- Family and Community Development Program
- Family Centre Project
- Family Wellbeing Centres
- Federal Budget
- ForestrySA Indigenous Programs
- Gamblers Rehabilitation Fund
- Government Boards and Committees
Health Budget
Highgate Park
- 2014-10-14
- Housing SA Multi-Trade Contract
Housing SA Waiting List
- 2014-07-02
Indigenous Communities Funding
Indigenous Programs, Grants and Funding
- 2014-08-05
Mental Health Beds
- Mental Health Lived Experience Register
Mullighan Inquiry Recommendations
National Disability Insurance Scheme
- National Service Standards
- Non-Government Community Access Services
- Nurse Staffing Levels
- Office for the Ageing
Philip Kennedy Centre
- Public Sector Screening Review
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- State Government Concessions
- Suicide Prevention
- Torrens Parade Ground
Unanswered Questions on Notice
- Volunteer Support Fund
Watarru Anangu School
- West Beach Road Upgrade
MULLIGHAN, Stephen Campbell
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2014
- Jones, Mr Henry
- Natural Resources Committee
- Regional Impact Assessment Statements
- Select Committee on the Lady Kintore Cottages (Trust Property) Amendment Bill
- Select Committee on the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Charitable Trust (Membership of Trust) Amendment Bill
- South Eastern Freeway
- Succession to the Crown (Request) Bill
- Adelaide Casino
- Adelaide Oval
- APY Lands
- Britannia Roundabout
- Bute to Kulpara Road Upgrade
- Cycling Infrastructure
- Darlington Interchange
- Fare Evasion
Footy Express
Gawler Rail Line
- Government Buildings
- Government Employee Housing
- Indigenous Programs, Grants and Funding
- Laura to Gladstone Road Upgrade
Millswood Railway Station
- Mount Barker, Littlehampton and Nairne Strategic Infrastructure Plan
Murray Mouth
- Murray River Ferries
- Netley Commercial Park
- O-Bahn
O-Bahn Tunnel
- Park-And-Ride Facilities
Port Adelaide
Public Transport
Public Transport Levy
- Regional Mining and Infrastructure Plan
- Remote Airstrip Upgrade Program
- Riverbank Precinct
Road Maintenance
Road Safety
- Royal Visit
South Road Upgrades
- 2014-06-05
- 2014-07-24
- Southern Expressway
- Strzelecki Track
Taxation Reform
- West Beach Road Upgrade
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2014
- BoysTown
- City of Adelaide (Capital City Committee) Amendment Bill
- Cry for Help Program
Economic and Finance Committee
Economic and Finance Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
- Elizabeth Vale Soccer Club
- Football Federation South Australia Awards
- Great Cycle Challenge
Legislative Review Committee
- Little Para Electorate Volunteer Organisations
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Publishing Committee
- Riverbank Authority Regulations
- Select Committee on the Port Augusta Power Stations
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- White Ribbon Day
- Adelaide Oval
- Arts Festivals
- Automotive Industry
- China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
- Illegal Firearms
- Manufacturing Sector
- National Commission of Audit
- Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle Program
- Paediatric Hospital Services
- Prison Tenders
- Riverbank Authority
- Riverland Regional Development
- Royal Visit
- State Export Figures
PEDERICK, Adrian Stephen
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Budget Measures Bill 2014
- Commissioner for Kangaroo Island Bill
- Country Health Services
- Country Roads
- Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- Crown Land
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
- Enforcement of Judgments (Garnishee Orders) Amendment Bill
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Fire and Emergency Services
- Firefighters Cancer Awareness Day
- Housing Trust Tenants Association
- Jones, Mr Henry
- Lower Lakes and Coorong
- Metropolitan, Rural and Remote Regions Relationship
- Murray River
- Mypolonga Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Port Pirie Smelter
- Public Finance and Audit (Treasurer's Instructions) Amendment Bill
- Regional Health Services
- Regional Impact Assessment Statements
- Return to Work Bill
- Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of SA
- Select Committee on a Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1987
- Social Development Committee: Recidivist Young Offenders and Youth Parole Board Act Review
- Social Development Committee: Sale and Consumption of Alcohol
- South Australian Employment Tribunal Bill
- Speed Limits
Stamp Duties (Off-The-Plan Apartments) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Energy Consumers Australia) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Rights of Foster Parents and Guardians) Bill
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Suicide Prevention
Supply Bill 2014
- Travel Agents Repeal Bill
- White Ribbon Day
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Firefighters) Amendment Bill
- Agriculture Sector
- Bushfire Preparedness
- Country Fire Service
- Emergency Services Levy
- Hassad Australia
Murray Mouth
Murray-Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Program
- New Horizons
Rural Research and Development for Profit
- Volunteer Firefighters, Workers Compensation
PENGILLY, Michael Redding
- Address in Reply
- Anti-Semitism
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Burnside Council Elections
- City of Adelaide (Capital City Committee) Amendment Bill
Commissioner for Kangaroo Island Bill
- Country Health Services
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
- Finniss Electorate
- Fleurieu Peninsula Organisations
- Freedom of Information (Offences) Amendment Bill
- Holmes, Mr Allan
- Ibrahim, Mariam
- Jones, Mr Henry
- Member for Finniss, Remarks
- Public Works Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Public Works Committee: Happy Valley Outfall Channel Upgrade Project
Public Works Committee: Port Lincoln, Adelaide Women's, Mount Gambier Prison Expansions
- Public Works Committee: State Drill Core Reference Library Facility
- Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of SA
- SA Water
- Social Development Committee: Sale and Consumption of Alcohol
- Such, Hon. R.b.
Supply Bill 2014
- 2014-06-03
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Firefighters) Amendment Bill
- Questions
PICCOLO, Antonio
- Address in Reply
- Creedon, Hon. C.W.
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Services
- Fire and Emergency Services
- Goss, Hon. W.k.
- National Disability Insurance Scheme
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Novita Children's Services
- Rodney Clavell
- Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of SA
- Sittings and Business
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Travel Agents Repeal Bill
- Whitlam, Hon. E.G.
- Aboriginal Liaison Officers
- Abuse Prevention Programs
Adelaide Women's Prison
APY Lands
Asylum Seekers
- Autism
Bushfire Preparedness
- Bushfires on Government Land
Child Protection
Children with Disabilities
- City Respite Facility
- Client Management System
- Communities and Social Inclusion Department
Correctional Services
Country Fire Service
- Disability Care Management System
Disability Funding
- Disability Home Modifications
Disability Services
- 2014-12-02
Disability Services Grants
Domestic Violence
- Domiciliary Care
Downer Edi Port Augusta
Emergency Services
Emergency Services Levy
Expiation Notices
Highgate Park
- 2014-10-14
Indigenous Programs, Grants and Funding
- Marine Parks
Mullighan Inquiry Recommendations
National Disability Insurance Scheme
- National Police Certificate Applications
- National Service Standards
- Natural Disaster Risk Management
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy
- Non-Government Community Access Services
- Northern Disability Hub
- Police Accommodation
- Police Cadets
- Police Cars
Police Cells
Police Recruitment
Police, Body-Worn Video
Prison Capacity
- Prison Guard Uniforms
Prison Tenders
Prisoner Numbers
- 2014-10-14
- Prisoner Rehabilitation Programs
- Prisoners, Mobile Phones
- Prisons, Illicit Drugs and Contraband Detection
- Project Shield
- Regional Employment
- Road Safety Cameras
- Road Safety Fund
- Skills for Jobs in Regions
- South Australia Police
- South-Eastern Link Road
- Unanswered Questions on Notice
PICTON, Chris James
- Address in Reply
- Childhood Cancer and HeartKids
- Christmas Advertising Standards
- Consumer Protection
- Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Employment Vulnerability
- Enforcement of Judgments (Garnishee Orders) Amendment Bill
- Freedom of Information (Offences) Amendment Bill
- Health Services, Southern Suburbs
- Housing Trust Tenants Association
- National Broadband Network
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Parliamentary Committees (Electoral Laws and Practices Committee) Amendment Bill
- Public Transport
- Regional Health Services
- Submarine Program
- Such, Hon. R.b.
Supply Bill 2014
- Tanning Beds
- Tobacco Regulation
- Tonsley Park Development
- White Ribbon Day
- Whitlam, Hon. E.G.
- Questions
PISONI, David Gregory
- Address in Reply
- Andrews, Ms Jan
Appropriation Bill 2014
- 2014-07-24
- Child Sex Offenders Registration (Control Orders and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Character Evidence) Amendment Bill
- Cyprus Conflict
- Fair Work (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Elections) (Voting) Amendment Bill
- Member for Reynell
- Minister's Remarks
- Such, Hon. R.b.
Supply Bill 2014
- Andrews, Ms Jan
- Bartley, Mr K.
Childcare Services
- Education Budget
Emergency Services Levy
Employee Ombudsman
- Government Boards and Committees
Member for Reynell
- Ministerial Staff
Multicultural SA
- National Education Reform Agreement
- Oncall Language Services
Portolesi, Ms G.
- Public Sector Employment
- Review, Improvement and Accountability Unit
- Teachers, Performance Management
- Universal Access Program
- Work Health Safety and Injury Management
RANKINE, Jennifer Mary
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2014
Child Development and Wellbeing Bill
- 2014-09-16
- 2014-09-25
Child Protection
- Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill
- Families SA Internal Audit
- Federal Budget
- Housing Trust Tenants Association
- School Funding
- Select Committee on the Lady Kintore Cottages (Trust Property) Amendment Bill
- Sittings and Business
- Adelaide CBD High School Development
- Andrews, Ms Jan
- APY Lands, Early Childhood Development Program
- APY Lands, Truancy Officers
- Bartley, Mr K.
- Child Abuse Reports
- Child Adoptions
Child Protection
- Question Time (14:30)
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- Question Time (15:01)
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- Question Time (14:24)
- Question Time (14:25)
- Question Time (14:25)
- Question Time (14:26)
- Question Time (14:42)
- Question Time (14:43)
Child Protection Screening
Childcare Services
- Children in Out-Of-Home Care
- China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
- Country Schools
Early Childhood Education
- 2014-11-19
- Early Childhood Workers and Preschool Teachers
Education and Child Development Department
- Education Budget
- Education System
Families SA Adverse Events Review Committee
Families SA Internal Audit
Families SA Social Workers
Families SA Staffing
- 2014-10-14
- Family Centre Project
Federal Budget
- Government Boards and Committees
- Ministerial Staff
Mullighan Inquiry Recommendations
- National Education Reform Agreement
- Prime Minister's Prizes for Science
- Residential Care Facilities
- Review, Improvement and Accountability Unit
- School Fees
School Funding
- Subs in Schools Program
- Teachers, Performance Management
Universal Access Program
Watarru Anangu School
- Work Health Safety and Injury Management
- Yunta Rural School
RAU, John Robert
- Address in Reply
- Administration and Probate (Removal of Requirement for Surety) Amendment Bill
Australian Crime Commission (South Australia) (Examinations) Amendment Bill
- Child Protection
Child Sex Offenders Registration (Control Orders and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- City of Adelaide (Capital City Committee) Amendment Bill
Civil Liability (Disclosure of Information) Amendment Bill
- Commission of Inquiry on Electoral Reform Bill
Commissioner for Kangaroo Island Bill
- 2014-09-16
Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Investigation (Covert Operations) Act
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Character Evidence) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Sexual Offences - Cognitive Impairment) Amendment Bill
- Employee Ombudsman
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Evidence (Protections for Journalists) Amendment Bill
Fair Work (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Firefighters Compensation Review
- Gillman Land Sale
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Annual Report 2013-14
Industrial Relations Commission
- Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
- Juries (Prejudicial Publicity) Amendment Bill
- Justice Reform
Lady Kintore Cottages (Trust Property) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Governance) Amendment Bill
Member for Heysen
- Ombudsman
Parliamentary Committees (Electoral Laws and Practices Committee) Amendment Bill
- Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Renewable Energy) Amendment Bill
Return to Work Bill
- 2014-09-24
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Charitable Trust (Membership of Trust) Amendment Bill
- Royal Adelaide Show Incident
- Sittings and Business
South Australian Employment Tribunal Bill
Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Legal Practitioners) Bill
Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Superannuation) Bill
Statutory Officers Committee
Succession to the Crown (Request) Bill
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Travel Agents Repeal Bill
- Volunteer Firefighters, Workers Compensation
- Whitlam, Hon. E.G.
- Work Health and Safety Act
Adelaide City Investment
Adelaide Festival Centre
Adelaide Festival Centre Car Park
- Buckland Park
- Building Industry
Child Protection
Correctional Services
Courts Administration Authority
- Crime Prevention
Debelle Inquiry
- Disability Justice Plan
Employee Ombudsman
Expert Panel on Planning Reform
Freedom of Information
- Gi
Gillman Land Sale
- 2014-05-08
- 2014-06-04
- 2014-09-17
- 2014-10-14
- 2014-10-28
- 2014-12-04
- Harvey, Mark Christopher
- Illegal Firearms
Indigenous Programs, Grants and Funding
Justice Reform
- JusticeNet SA
- Kangaroo Island Futures Authority
- Late Night Trading Code of Practice
- Legal Profession Conduct Commissioner
Legislative Council President
Local Councils
Local Government Act
Ministerial Staff
Mount Barker, Littlehampton and Nairne Strategic Infrastructure Plan
Newport Quays
Newport Quays Development
Planning and Development Process
Police Disciplinary Tribunal
- Public Sector Confidentiality Agreements
- Regional Development
- Renew Adelaide Scheme
Riverbank Authority
Riverbank Precinct
- Riverland Regional Development
Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption
- Royal Visit
- Safe Work Week
- SafeWork SA Advisory Council
SafeWork SA Regional Offices
- St Clair Recreation Park Association
- Victims of Crime Compensation Scheme
- Volunteer Firefighters, Workers Compensation
REDMOND, Isobel Mary
- Address in Reply
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill 2014
- 2014-08-05
- Climate Change
- Electoral Commissioner
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Legislative Review Committee: Partial Defence of Provocation
- Member for Heysen
Return to Work Bill
- Riverbank Authority Regulations
- Select Committee on a Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1987
- Sittings and Business
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
- Succession to the Crown (Request) Bill
Supply Bill 2014
- Tanning Beds
Travel Agents Repeal Bill
- Yarwood, Mr Stephen
- Adelaideia App
Arts SA
Forestry Fire Insurance Fund
- Public Transport Levy
- Retirement Villages Register
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2014
- Budget Measures Bill 2014
- Child Development and Wellbeing Bill
- City of Adelaide (Capital City Committee) Amendment Bill
- Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill
- Health and Medical Research
- Housing Trust Tenants Association
- Minister for Education and Child Development
Supply Bill 2014
- Biosa Short Courses
- Child Abuse Reports
- Child Adoptions
Child Protection
Child Protection Screening
- Children in Out-Of-Home Care
- Communities and Social Inclusion Department Screening Unit
Education and Child Development Department
Families SA Internal Audit
Families SA Social Workers
Families SA Staffing
Homeless Figures
Housing SA
- Housing SA Customer Debt
- Housing SA Rent and Occupancy Reviews
- Housing SA Waiting List
- Public Service Employees
- STEM Enrolments
- Women's and Children's Hospital
- Youth Programs
SNELLING, John James
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
Address in Reply
- Adelaide University Dental Clinic
- Appropriation Bill 2014
- Auditor-General's Report
- Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Review
- Chairman of Committees, Election
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee
- Federal Budget
- Health Budget
- Health Care (Administration) Amendment Bill
- Health Funding
- Hospital Waiting Times
- Joint Parliamentary Service Committee
- Legislative Review Committee
- Lifetime Support Scheme
- Member for Heysen
- Meningococcal Disease
Mental Health Beds
- Minister for Education and Child Development
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Presentation to Governor
- Publishing Committee
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Construction Site Incident
- Sessional Orders
Sittings and Business
- Smoke-Free Outdoor Eating Areas
- Social Development Committee
- Speaker, Election
Standing Orders Committee
- Statutory Officers Committee
- Valedictories
- Whitlam, Hon. E.G.
- Adelaide Fringe
- Adelaideia App
- Advance Care Directives
- Aged-Care Beds
- Ambulance Services
APY Lands, Family Wellbeing Centres
- APY Lands, Mental Health Services
Art Gallery of South Australia
- Arts Festivals
Arts SA
- Barossa Valley Health Facility
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Bore Water Testing
- Breast Screening
- Cell Therapy Manufacturing
- Disability Services
Drug and Alcohol Services
- Ebola Virus
Emergency Departments
Enterprise Patient Administration System
- Essential Services Pricing
Federal Budget
Health and Hospital Care
Health Budget
- Health Department Staffing
- Health Funding
Hospital Beds
- Hospital Staff
Hospital Staff, Safety
Hospital Waiting Times
- Lyell McEwin Hospital
Mental Health Beds
- Mental Health Lived Experience Register
Modbury Hospital
National Commission of Audit
- Nitschke, Dr Philip
Noarlunga Hospital
Nurse Staffing Levels
- 2014-10-29
- Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle Program
- Old Police Barracks and Armoury
OzAsia Festival
- Paediatric Hospital Services
- Patient Assistance Transport Scheme
Philip Kennedy Centre
Public Sector Screening
- Regional Health Services
Repatriation General Hospital
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
- 2014-10-14
- Social Ventures Australia
South Australian Democracy Gallery
- Suicide Prevention
- Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages
- Transforming Health Summit
- Whyalla Mental Health Unit
- Women's and Children's Hospital
Work Health and Safety Audits
- Youth Mental Health First Aid
SPEIRS, David James
- Address in Reply
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Anti-Semitism
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Brighton and Hallett Cove Rotary Clubs
- Brighton Secondary School
- City of Adelaide (Capital City Committee) Amendment Bill
- Cove Sports and Community Club
- Enforcement of Judgments (Garnishee Orders) Amendment Bill
- Freedom of Information (Offences) Amendment Bill
- Lewis, Dr Felicity-Ann
- Lions Club of Hallett Cove and Districts
- Local Councils
- Local Government (Elections) (Voting) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Local Government Elections
- Lower Field River
- Marion City Councillors
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Parliamentary Internship Program
- Public Transport
- Select Committee on a Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1987
- Somerton Surf Life Saving Club
Supply Bill 2014
- Taiwan
- Questions
TARZIA, Vincent Anthony
- Address in Reply
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Australian Crime Commission (South Australia) (Examinations) Amendment Bill
- Australian Red Cross
Budget Measures Bill 2014
- Campbelltown SES
- Child Development and Wellbeing Bill
- Child Sex Offenders Registration (Control Orders and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
- Civil Liability (Disclosure of Information) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Character Evidence) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Sexual Offences - Cognitive Impairment) Amendment Bill
- Diwali 2014
- East Marden Primary School
Enforcement of Judgments (Garnishee Orders) Amendment Bill
- 2014-12-04
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Fair Work (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Freedom of Information (Offences) Amendment Bill
- Glynde Substation
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Italian Consulate
- Local Government (Elections) (Voting) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Local Government Elections
- Lochiel Park
- Magill Village Master Plan
- National Police Remembrance Day
- North Eastern Community Hospital Auxiliary
- Norwood Football Club
- Paradise Interchange
- Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Renewable Energy) Amendment Bill
- Public Finance and Audit (Treasurer's Instructions) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work Bill
- Road Safety
- Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Charitable Trust (Membership of Trust) Amendment Bill
- Select Committee on a Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1987
- South Australian Economy
- South Australian Employment Tribunal Bill
- Stamp Duties (Off-The-Plan Apartments) Amendment Bill
Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Bill
Supply Bill 2014
- Travel Agents Repeal Bill
- University of Adelaide
- White Ribbon Day
- Breast Screening
Emergency Services Levy
Essential Services Commission
- Freedom of Information
Glynde Substation
TRELOAR, Peter Andrew
- Address in Reply
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill 2014
- Brinkworth Reserve
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
Emergency Services Levy
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
Eyre Peninsula Water Supply
- Flinders Electorate
- Grain Harvest
- Local Government (Elections) (Voting) Amendment Bill
- Metropolitan, Rural and Remote Regions Relationship
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Renewable Energy) Amendment Bill
- Port of Thevenard
- Rathjen, Dr Tony
- Regional Development Australia
Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of SA
- Select Committee on the Port Augusta Power Stations
- State Budget
- Statutes Amendment (Energy Consumers Australia) Bill
- Suicide Prevention
Supply Bill 2014
- World Aquaculture Conference
- Questions
- Address in Reply
- Anti-Semitism
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Bangor Bushfire
- City of Adelaide (Capital City Committee) Amendment Bill
- Commonwealth Games
Controlled Substances (Simple Possession Offences) Amendment Bill
- 2014-11-13
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- Defence Shipbuilding
- Domestic and Family Violence
- Domestic Violence
- Economic and Finance Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
- Emergency Services Funding (SACAT) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Services Levy
- Enforcement of Judgments (Garnishee Orders) Amendment Bill
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Firefighters Cancer Awareness Day
- Housing Trust Tenants Association
- International Day for Disaster Reduction
- Metropolitan, Rural and Remote Regions Relationship
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Operation Flinders
- Pastoral Board
Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Renewable Energy) Amendment Bill
- Port Pirie Smelter
- Public Finance and Audit (Treasurer's Instructions) Amendment Bill
- Regional Development Australia
Regional Health Services
- Regional Impact Assessment Statements
- Regional Schools, Asset Disposal
- Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of SA
- School Closures
- Select Committee on the Port Augusta Power Stations
- South Australia Police Officer of the Year
- Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Energy Consumers Australia) Bill
- Stuart Electorate
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Supply Bill 2014
- Travel Agents Repeal Bill
- Water Catchment Areas
White Ribbon Day
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Firefighters) Amendment Bill
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (SACFS) Amendment Bill
Automotive Industry
- Automotive Transformation Taskforce
Bundaleer Forest
Combet, Mr Greg
Correctional Services
Downer Edi Port Augusta
- 2014-11-12
Electricity Prices
Emergency Services
Expiation Notices
- Forestry Forum
- Grants and Subsidies
- Manufacturing Works
- Member for Frome, Government Agreement
- Minerals Resource Rent Tax
Oil and Gas Sector
- 2014-11-13
- Our Jobs Plan
- Police Cadets
Police Cells
Police Recruitment
- Regional Development Portfolio
- Service SA
Small Business Commissioner
- Small Business Innovation Research
Tonsley Park Development
- Yunta Rural School
VLAHOS, Leesa Anne
- Anti-Semitism
- Body Image Youth Forum
- Controlled Substances (Simple Possession Offences) Amendment Bill
- Cyprus Conflict
- Euthanasia
Federal Budget
- Hoa Hao Buddhist Festival
- Hortex Alliance
- Horticulture Round Table
- Housing Trust Tenants Association
- Ibrahim, Mariam
- Khmer Krom Community
- Regional Health Services
- Salisbury High School
- St Columba College
Suicide Prevention
Taylor Electorate
- Automotive Industry
- China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
- Citrus Exports
- Country Schools
- Defence Shipbuilding
- Fruit Fly
- Land 400 Project
- Meet the Buyer Forums
- OzAsia Festival
- Pastoral Lands Visit
- Phylloxera
- South Australian River Murray Sustainability Irrigation Industry Improvement Program
- Subs in Schools Program
- Torrens University Australia
- Women's and Children's Hospital
- Youth Development Programs
Banfield, Hon. D.h.l.
- Bolaffi, Mr Allen
- Child Protection
- China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
- China-Australia Leaders Forum
Clean Energy Summit
- Clerk, Retirement
- Condolences
Creedon, Hon. C.W.
- Defence Shipbuilding
Domestic Violence
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
Federal Budget
- 2014-05-20
- Goss, Hon. W.k.
- Governor, Appointment
- Greste, Mr Peter
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
Indigenous Communities Funding
- Jones, Mr Henry
- Member for Frome, Government Agreement
- Member for Waite, Government Agreement
Member's Leave
- Minister for Education and Child Development
- National Day of Mourning, Malaysian Airlines
- Nyrstar
- Renewable Energy
- Renewal Energy Target
- Royal Commission into the Safety and Welfare of at Risk Children
- South-East Asia Trade
- Southcott, Heather
- Speaker, Election
- Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
Such, Hon. R.b.
- Whitlam, Hon. E.G.
- World War I
Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division
APY Lands
APY Lands, Governance
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Australian of the Year Awards
Automotive Industry
Cabinet Conduct
- Carbon Tax
- Carr Components
Child Protection
Commissioner for Public Sector Employment
- Consultants and Contractors
Corcoran, Ms Mary-Lou
- Country Cabinet
- Cyber Safety Campaign
Departmental Contracts
- Domestic Violence
Emergency Services Levy
- Employment
Environment Protection Authority
Federal Budget
- 2014-07-02
Forestry Fire Insurance Fund
Forestry Sale
- Freedom of Information
- Gambling is No Game Website
Gillman Land Sale
- Government Initiatives
Indigenous Communities Funding
Indigenous Programs, Grants and Funding
Job Creation
Legislative Council President
- Licensed Venues
Marine Parks
- Matthew Flinders Statue
Member for Frome, Government Agreement
- Mid North Visit
Ministerial Staff
More Than Cars Campaign
- National Commission of Audit
- OzAsia Festival
Portolesi, Ms G.
Premier and Cabinet Department
- Premier's State/Local Government Forum
Public Sector Appointments
- Public Transport
- Regional Cabinet Meeting
- Regional Development Portfolio
- Regional South Australia
- Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption
- Saab Advanced Maritime Systems Centre
Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
South Australia's Strategic Plan
South Australian River Murray Sustainability Irrigation Industry Improvement Program
- State Emergency Management Committee
- State Final Demand
Taxation Reform
- Torrens University Australia
- Water Industry Reform
WHETSTONE, Timothy John
- Address in Reply
- Almond Centre of Excellence
- Almondco
Appropriation Bill 2014
- Budget Measures Bill 2014
- Business SA Export Awards
- Chowilla Station
- Commonwealth Games
- Donald Campbell
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Freedom of Information (Offences) Amendment Bill
- Hughes, Phillip
- Humphrey Pump
- International Day for Disaster Reduction
- Jones, Mr Henry
- Mallee Prescribed Wells Area Water Allocation Plan
- Metropolitan, Rural and Remote Regions Relationship
- Murray River
- Public Works Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Public Works Committee: Riverland Regional Visit
- Rail Closures
- Regional Development Australia
- Regional Health Services
Regional Schools, Asset Disposal
- Return to Work Bill
- Riverland Cabinet
- Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of SA
- South Australian Regional Awards
- Stamp Duties (Off-The-Plan Apartments) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Energy Consumers Australia) Bill
- Such, Hon. R.b.
Supply Bill 2014
- 2014-06-04
- Volunteers
- Waikerie Caravan Park
- White Ribbon Day
- Zonta Riverland Women in Business Awards
- Citrus Exports
Clare Valley Water Supply
- Clean Energy Package
Fruit Fly
Indonesia Trade
- 2014-08-05
- Investment and Trade Initiatives
- Ministerial Staff
- Murray-Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Program
- Port Pirie Sports Facility
SafeWork SA Regional Offices
South Australian River Murray Sustainability Irrigation Industry Improvement Program
Sports Vouchers
Trade Missions
WILLIAMS, Michael Richard
- Address in Reply
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill 2014
- 2014-07-24
- City of Adelaide (Capital City Committee) Amendment Bill
Commission of Inquiry on Electoral Reform Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2014-15
- Emergency Services Levy
- Enforcement of Judgments (Garnishee Orders) Amendment Bill
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Freedom of Information (Offences) Amendment Bill
- Housing Trust Tenants Association
- Jones, Mr Henry
- Local Government (Elections) (Voting) Amendment Bill
- Member for Finniss, Remarks
- Member for Heysen
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Parliamentary Committees (Electoral Laws and Practices Committee) Amendment Bill
- Port Pirie Smelter
Return to Work Bill
- South Australian Employment Tribunal Bill
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Supply Bill 2014
- Adelaide City Investment
Emergency Services Levy
- Federal Budget
- Forestry Sale
SA Water
WINGARD, Corey Luke
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill 2014
- 2014-07-02
- 2014-07-24
- 2014-08-05
- Budget Measures Bill 2014
- Commonwealth Games
- Evans, Hon. I.f.
- Evidence (Protections for Journalists) Amendment Bill
- Freedom of Information (Offences) Amendment Bill
- Friends of O'Halloran Hill Recreation Park
- Greste, Mr Peter
- Harrington, Jimmy
- Mitchell Electorate
Oaklands Park Rail Crossing
- Patritti Winery
- Retirement Villages
- Return to Work Bill
- Reynella
- Reynella Kiwanis
- Ride for Hope
- Southern Expressway
- Southern Field Archers
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- Suicide Prevention
Supply Bill 2014
- Unsung Heroes Awards
- White Ribbon Day
Gawler Rail Line
Millswood Railway Station
Public Sector Screening
Public Transport
Public Transport Levy
- Road Maintenance
- Road Safety Cameras
Service SA
ABC and SBS Funding
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- Actors Equity
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2014
- Child Development and Wellbeing Bill
- Commonwealth Games
- Diwali 2014
- Federal Budget
- Greste, Mr Peter
- Juvenile Diabetes
- National Reconciliation Week
- Nayda, Mr Kwementyaye (Les)
- Pink Ribbon Day
- School Funding
- Social Development Committee: Sale and Consumption of Alcohol
- Sport Participation
- Such, Hon. R.b.
- White Ribbon Day
- Whitlam, Hon. E.G.
- Questions
Commission of Inquiry on Electoral Reform Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 13 November 2014.)
Mr KNOLL (Schubert) (16:38): We had progressed quite far along in my contribution last time, but there are a number of points I would like to make in my remaining time. Whenever we look at change and when we look at the evolution of South Australia, it is instructive to look at history. It is difficult to look at history merely from trying to read newspapers or understand text from that time. It is really good to get firsthand experience.
To that end, I was extremely fortunate to be able to catch up with former premier Steele Hall, a man who should know a thing or two about electoral reform and the reform of the parliament. We talked about a great many things, and I said, 'How long did it take to change the electoral system that gave weight to rural residents?' Premier Hall said it took over a decade. It took over a decade of Don Dunstan railing against what he saw as that injustice and for there to be action. It was a constant, long-term campaign by a young, energetic pink shorts-wearing member of parliament.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Not all the time.
Mr KNOLL: Yes. What struck me most was Steele's words in relation to why, in the end, electoral reform was undertaken. In Steele's words, the reason for the change was that the electorate had moved on. The city population was growing, and this necessitated a change in the electoral system. In fact, we had seen over many years the shift of South Australia's population from the country to the city, and this necessitated that change. Indeed, by the time it happened, he said that it was a case where South Australia had moved on and that these were merely common-sense changes that were then supported.
It was more about evolution than straightforward unfairness, and can I say that I think we have hit that time again. I think we have come to a time where current-day South Australia has moved on from the current electoral system, where the primacy of individual electorates has given way to a greater statewide focus, brought about by increased media attention, the all-pervasiveness of social media, and the plethora of ways in which people can engage with a statewide campaign.
We see more presidential-style campaigning, and indeed the activities of the leaders of the government and the opposition are very much at the centre of the way campaigns are run. This is now, in essence, what I believe people are voting for, and I think we need to have a system that allows and reflects that style of campaigning and that style of focus when it comes to elections. I believe that a top-up system would place voting for your local member on a much more equal footing with the party that receives the majority vote.
There is a way to achieve both aims. This idea that we are talking about 24 seats in the house versus winning a majority of the two-party preferred vote does not need to be on a mutually exclusive basis. Indeed, the top-up system is a system where both those aims can be guaranteed to be achieved. I think that serves the people of South Australia much better by them being able to get both of the things they want—the local member they want and the party that they want to form government. With modern communications, with information dissemination, this is the way South Australia needs to go.
In closing, can I say that South Australia has moved on. In the elections over the previous years, we have shown that South Australia has moved on, and it is time for the Labor Party to catch up with the people of South Australia.
Mr GARDNER: Deputy Speaker, I draw your attention to the state of the house.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: There not being a quorum present, ring the bells.
A quorum having been formed:
The Hon. J.R. RAU (Enfield—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Justice Reform, Minister for Planning, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Industrial Relations) (16:44): Just to make sure I am absolutely clear on this, I believe we are dealing with a private member's bill moved by the Leader of the Opposition.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: You haven't been listening in your room?
Mr Gardner: Commission of Inquiry on Electoral Reform Bill.
The Hon. J.R. RAU: That's the one I was listening to. I wanted to say a few words about this. The first point I wanted to make is that I think all of us in this place agree that there is a need for a conversation about parliamentary and, quite probably, constitutional reform in South Australia. There are a number of issues that are sitting around the place, and some of those are issues which have been ventilated by the opposition, some of those are issues that the government has raised, some of them refer basically to amendments to the Electoral Act, in effect, and some of them look at more profound changes, for example the tenure of people in another place; and having spent a few minutes there recently, my views have been reinforced.
Let's try to confine this particular conversation today not so much to the outcomes that all of us would like to achieve, because I suspect there are things that we would all have in common and there are some things that we may differ on. Without going too far down the track, for example, the proposition advanced by members of the opposition was that there was some failure of the electoral redistribution process which in effect denied the opposition a favourable outcome at the last election. That is a conversation that has been advanced by members of the opposition.
I simply make the point that if the number of seats which were won by people who were non-Labor candidates, in the context of those seats being notionally Liberal Party seats, was 24, and the number that were won by the Labor Party candidates was 23, that means that, all other things being equal, the redistribution that occurred in 2012 produced exactly the sort of result that it was intended to produce. The fact that two of those seats—
The Hon. S.W. Key interjecting:
The Hon. J.R. RAU: Yes, sure, but given the two-party preferred vote, which is a mathematical fiction, etc., etc. Two of those seats were in fact won by the member for Fisher and the member for Frome. It is not reasonable to say it is the government's fault that in what would notionally be a Liberal Party seat a person who is not a member of the official Liberal Party ticket has won one of the seats. That is not our doing and that is an internal issue for the Liberal Party; it is not an issue for the Electoral Commissioner or an issue for the boundaries commission.
More particularly, we have now two contending models sitting there to deal with electoral reform. We accept that electoral reform and parliamentary reform is important, and we have said that from the time of the election. There are issues like, for example, optional preferential voting in the other place to deal with the scourge of microparties. Let's have a look now at what is going on in Canberra and the absolute mayhem that has been let loose in the Senate because of the outcome of not being able to deal with that problem.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Being sold a pup.
The Hon. J.R. RAU: Indeed, being sold a pup. The situation is basically this: what is the best way forward for us to have the conversation? Bear in mind that all of us are going to have different priorities about what should be in that conversation, and we are going to have different priorities about things we want to see happen out of this conversation. That is the question. It is the how question, not the what question.
There are two contending models as to how. The first model is the one the government put up, which is to have a joint house parliamentary standing committee to which all matters of concern relating to these issues can be referred and that those members of parliament, who will be in that committee, will call such evidence as they need to call, will hear from such witnesses as they need to hear from, and that can include academics—it can include anybody they want. That is model number one.
Model number two is the one that is being advanced by the Leader of the Opposition. Model number two basically says this: there is to be an inquiry. The inquiry is to be led by three commissioners. These commissioners no doubt are intended by the Leader of the Opposition to be quite august and meritorious individuals, and they will go off and prepare a report which they will then bring back.
Presumably, and inevitably, that report will simply be a report to the parliament by a bunch of people who are not members of parliament, and that report will make recommendations to the parliament coming from a bunch of people who are not members of parliament. The parliament will be perfectly entitled to say, 'That might be your view, commissioners, it's very interesting, but, guess what: we don't agree with you,' and into the wastepaper basket it will go.
The Hon. P. Caica: Like so many other reports.
The Hon. J.R. RAU: Like so many others. In the time I have been here, I have learned one or two things and they are that, when it comes to things of particular interest and, understandably, particular knowledge of members of parliament, members of parliament are reluctant to have people who do not know what is going on tell them how things should work in a perfect world. It just does not work.
My suggestion, and the government's suggestion, is simply this: for goodness sake, let us elect members of the opposition and members of the government in both houses. Let both the major parties—and the minor parties for that matter—advance all of their grievances. Give it to this committee. Let the committee call whatever evidence they have to call. Let the committee bring back a report to the parliament, but that committee will be a committee of this parliament.
The people sitting on that committee and writing that report will be members of this parliament. They will be able to debate in this chamber and the other place all of the recommendations of that committee. That is a fundamentally different proposition than to have some outsiders, albeit well-meaning and perhaps well-qualified people otherwise, trying to tell the parliament how to do the parliament's business.
I also point out, and I know this is a matter of detail, that it is quite peculiar for a bill not only to propose something like this but also then to go on and talk about this subsidiary committee which is created in the schedule which names the members who are going to be on that committee—and one of them, unfortunately, is not with us anymore, because the member for Fisher is named. This proposition, naming the Hon. John Darley, the Hon. Kelly Vincent, the Hon. Bob Such and the Hon. Geoff Brock, whether or not they wish to be involved (and one of them, as we know, is unable to be involved), is so prescriptive and unhelpful. What we should do is say to each chamber, 'Each of you are going to get a certain number of spots. Just work it out for yourselves.' We then will have this standing committee of the parliament which can then get on and have a look at these issues.
I strongly agree with the Leader of the Opposition that we do need to have a grown-up conversation about parliamentary reform and about constitutional reform. I strongly agree with that, and the government strongly agrees. My quarrel is with the mechanism, and I fear that a mechanism which involves handing over to outsiders a conversation which needs to occur with and be persuasive of members of parliament is bound to fail and it will just waste valuable time.
For that reason, and that reason only, I object to this method. I do not support this method. I do, however, endorse and welcome the idea that the Leader of the Opposition has embraced the notion of being open to parliamentary and constitutional reform. That is good. I am happy about that. All of us on this side are happy about that. We are not happy with this method.
Sitting extended beyond 17:00 on motion of Hon. J.R. Rau.
The Hon. P. CAICA (Colton) (16:54): I do not support the proposition before the house, for the reasons that were very well articulated by the member for Enfield (the Deputy Premier), and believe that the proposition to establish a select committee of members of both houses would be a more appropriate and proper way to go.
Having said that, like others on this side, I am not against having a proper discussion on things that may well be required to deliver some parliamentary reform, particularly in the other place. However, I just want to make this point: if you are really serious about having an inquiry, I think the inquiry should be into why the opposition lost the election. I say that because—
The Hon. S.W. Key interjecting:
The Hon. P. CAICA: Well, they should have an internal inquiry, or even get people in from outside, and ask, 'How did we lose that election?' I can give you a few hints as to why I think you did.
The Hon. S.W. Key: Let them find out for themselves.
The Hon. P. CAICA: Well, the simple fact is that on this side of the house we have people who are very used to being campaigners in marginal seats. You know that yourself, Madam Deputy Speaker, because you have won five elections as a marginal seat person over a period of time. The fact is that you did not, as was the case with the member for Ashford, start campaigning two, three or four months out from the election. You do it 24 hours a day, seven days a week over the four-year electoral term. Maybe not 24 hours a day. If you are not doing it 24 hours a day, you are probably dreaming about it. The simple fact is that marginal seat campaigning starts immediately after an election—
Ms Chapman: You shouldn't say terrible things about Chloe.
The Hon. P. CAICA: Well, Chloe lost. You won that seat; I accept that.
Ms Chapman interjecting:
The Hon. P. CAICA: The only person who is insinuating terrible things about Chloe is you.
Ms Chapman interjecting:
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Before we go any further, the deputy leader did spend some time out of the room, so she is back to clean, but I am going to call her to order.
Mr Gardner: Can you get him back to the bill?
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Well, without interjections we might make some progress.
The Hon. P. CAICA: I am talking about the bill. In fact, I am talking against the bill. I am talking about where an inquiry should lead, and that inquiry ought to lead to how useless you were with respect to the last campaign in regard to—
Members interjecting:
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: I said order. I am bringing him back.
Mr Gardner interjecting:
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: I said order and I know he is going to come straight back to the topic.
The Hon. P. CAICA: I am. You cannot win an election, Deputy Speaker, by not differentiating yourselves from the government of the day. You cannot win an election by being a small target. You cannot win an election by not saying what you mean and meaning what you say. You cannot win an election if you are going to only ever say, 'We need to take the handbrake off the economy.' You cannot win an election if on the very last day of the campaign you tell people to vote for Labor if you are the Leader of the Opposition.
The point I am making is this: elections under our Westminster democratic system are won on and by the party that wins the most seats. That is simply a fact and it is not going to change in the near future. What the opposition is doing by putting forward this proposal is actually a bit like sour grapes: 'God, we lost; we should never have lost that. We want some type of reform in place that's going to guarantee us a better chance of winning.' Well, I am telling you right now that the best chance you have of winning is getting off your backsides and working harder than you have in the past—it is as simple as that.
Nothing that we ever put in place is going to take away the fact that it is still going to be the party that wins the most seats that is going to be delivered government. For all intents and purposes, you can continue to get 77 per cent, 79 per cent, two-party preferred in Flinders, 73 per cent in MacKillop and 70 whatever it is in the seat of Chaffey (it is above the 70s), but I am quite happy to continue to get 51.5 per cent in Colton, although I would like a bit more of a buffer. But I will take that any time as a marginal seat to ensure that that works towards delivering our party back to government. So I do not support this bill before us, but I do agree that we need to have a proper and mature discussion about electoral reform—
Mr Knoll: It sounds like you don't want any.
The Hon. P. CAICA: I do want some, but I do not want what you want. Why on earth would we give this to someone else, to three commissioners, to go away and come back and tell us what they think when we could be in charge of our own destiny? I would urge the opposition to support the government's proposal to establish a standing committee made up of members of both sides of the house. I will also tell you this—
Mr GARDNER: Point of order.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: We have a point of order. Member for Morialta.
Mr GARDNER: The member is speaking about a different bill.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: He is coming right back to topic.
The Hon. P. CAICA: I will also say that, with respect to parliamentary committees, we know from time to time that they have also delivered reports which are collecting dust around this place, but bipartisan approach to electoral reform determined by a committee of the parliament, this parliament, will only ignore those recommendations at its own peril.
Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (17:00): The Leader of the Opposition has presented this bill in good faith to establish a commission of inquiry for electoral reform with independence. Much has been said in this debate about the outcome of the last election, and it is pivotal to the basis upon which the Leader of the Opposition presented this bill; namely, to have a short inquiry by independent parties deliverable by 1 July 2015 dealing with this question of how is it that the objectives in our constitutional obligations in respect of boundaries and electoral mandates for the purposes of election success have got it so wrong?
We can argue the point about what happened at the election, who should have won and all those things. They have been traversed in many speeches in the house in the last six months. The Leader of the Opposition has presented a formula so that, rather than having a group of us advise us on what we might do to remedy this situation—and, clearly, we will never agree—we actually have independent parties do that.
I think it is rather churlish of the government to say, 'Let's have mature conversation' when, in many instances, they appoint independent parties to give advice to the government on how they progress their business. If there is going to be a genuine review of what we do and how we can do it better, and have some level of independence, then having independent parties is a sensible way to go.
Recognition of the fact that the across-the-board representation of the parliament is included in the committee of appointment, or the panel that is going to select the parties, is why the late Hon. Bob Such was included. He was included because he was an Independent member in this house. Sadly, his passing means that he could not be offered membership on that panel in that regard. I think it is rather churlish of the Attorney to suggest that the approach here is faulty because we have a nomination from the Leader of the Opposition, and the nominee is now deceased.
We think this is a superior model and much more likely to be effective. The public, indeed, in their contribution on any submission they might make, will also see this as a level of independence that is important. The Attorney appointed Mr Brian Hayes QC to conduct a panel inquiry into planning law in this state and reform, and appointed a number of people independent of the parliament to carefully examine what we have and how to do it better. It is exactly the same formula. I find it rather disappointing that the government will take this approach.
I know that the Leader of the Opposition would want me to thank those who have made an enormous contribution to consideration of reform—those many people who wrote, emailed and telephoned the leader and other members on our side of the house (and probably to the government as well) after the election saying, 'Fair crack of the whip; something needs to be done.' There is a serious problem if the public is not able to rely on there being an outcome that is consistent with their voting.
It may be, ultimately, that a panel of inquiry identifies that determinations of one or more of the commissioners under the electoral boundaries had erred—that is possible. No-one would escape the inquiry in relation to the nature of what is being presented, and how that operates may need to be strengthened. Clearly, something is not working, and we are keen to have some electoral reform in that regard. I thank the Leader of the Opposition for carefully considering this bill. In presenting this bill to this parliament, I thank him for his attempt to have a fair representation, to remove the political mischief or motive and to have an independent panel in that regard.
I am disappointed the government has been so fulsome in their rejection of this, rather than look at a body which will obviously be partisan in its contributions. That is particularly disappointing. It is a little bit like saying, 'Let us have a Legislative Council committee that will consider whether we should abolish the Legislative Council or reform it.'
An honourable member interjecting:
Ms CHAPMAN: As the member says, 'That will work—not.' It is absurd. We cannot internalise this and give the public a true and considered assessment of what that position is.
The Hon. J.R. Rau: If the member for Bragg is offering that as an inducement, I might need to reconsider my position.
Ms CHAPMAN: I have not advanced any expansion of the terms of reference for this committee. That is another matter; it is not an electoral matter. That is obviously parliamentary reform as distinct from electoral reform, and the Attorney well knows my view. I only point to Queensland whenever anyone raises with me the question of abolition of the other place. The upper houses are worthy and they do make a contribution and section 10 of the constitution is important, and I do not think I will be changing my mind any time soon in relation to that.
The Hon. J.R. Rau interjecting:
Ms CHAPMAN: I know the Attorney is now whimpering away with the new pathetic shrinking from their 100-year old tradition of abolition of the upper houses and what a dastardly waste of money they are and that they are now into this sort of principled reform. The reality is that we are proposing a targeted independent body in relation to a specific problem which we think would have merit and which the public would appreciate. I am very disappointed, as is the Leader of the Opposition, that the government has taken such a narrow and immature approach to this.
Second reading negatived.