Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Aboriginal Affairs
The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (15:06): My question is to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs. Will the minister inform the council on the government's achievements in the Aboriginal affairs portfolio since the 2022 state election?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector, Special Minister of State) (15:06): I thank the honourable member for his question and his interest in this area. It is a great privilege to be South Australia's Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, and it is not a role that is taken lightly. We went to the 2022 election with a significant policy agenda aimed at achieving better outcomes for Aboriginal people in this state and, in the three years since, I am pleased to report we have made significant steps towards fulfilling this agenda. To name a few:
we have legislated to increase penalties for interfering with, disturbing or destroying Aboriginal heritage;
we have enshrined the operation of the Nunga Court, the first sentencing court of its kind anywhere in Australia, to ensure it has a formal and recognised place in our justice system;
in this term, we have appointed two Aboriginal people as magistrates, which addresses the fact that, in the decades and centuries that we have had the state of South Australia and the colony that preceded it, we have never had an Aboriginal person preside over any court in this state;
we have legislated to allow Aboriginal people to give evidence in court about their own traditions and customs, putting an end to the framework that allowed non-Aboriginal anthropologists to do so but not Aboriginal people themselves;
we are working with the federal government and have provided funding to Yadu Health in Ceduna to construct a new purpose-built Aboriginal health clinic. This will replace an old facility ridden with black mould and with a troubled history for many Aboriginal people. I understand the official sod-turning ceremony to kick-off construction is happening in Ceduna in the next couple of weeks;
we have met our commitment to employ 15 Aboriginal rangers in our national parks, recognising the value of cultural knowledge in the care and protection of the natural environment; and
we have delivered on our commitment of legislating for a Voice to Parliament for Aboriginal people in this state. The First Nations Voice Act passed parliament nearly two years ago, and we have seen the Voice meet with cabinet and chief executives, provide advice on bills, and address a joint sitting of parliament. We are looking forward to further interactions over the year to come.