Legislative Council: Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Question Time

Bushfire Protocols

The Hon. N.J. CENTOFANTI (Leader of the Opposition) (14:24): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question of the Minister for Emergency Services regarding bushfire protocols.

Leave granted.

The Hon. N.J. CENTOFANTI: Yesterday in this place, the Hon. Ben Hood asked a question regarding protocols between CFS teams, farm fire units and Department for Environment and Water rangers. A member of the Wilmington community, after listening to question time yesterday, has reached out to the opposition and said:

Tell the Minister it's not good enough we aren't allowed to get in and deal with fires early, but have to wait for Adelaide people to come up and assess it, by which time it's expanded into goat territory. It's larger and harder to deal with; and sometimes those from Adelaide aren't aware of the gully winds which can take the fire further faster and then you have it out of control.

In 'Lessons from the Island—An independent review of the fires that burnt across Kangaroo Island during December 2019-February 2020', produced by the state government and the CFS in conjunction with C3 Resilience, it states:

The fire response in a wilderness area is guided by the Wilderness Code of Management (DEH 2004) developed in accordance with s. 12 of the Wilderness Protection Act 1992 (SA). The Code limits the fire response to those activities that will not diminish the wilderness values.

And it recommends, 'Consider making it a formal joint operational policy between SA CFS and DEW.' So my questions to the Minister for Emergency Services are:

1. Does the minister support the recommendation of the independent review?

2. Is the minister aware of any current formal joint operational policy between South Australian CFS and DEW and, if not, will she commit to considering and subsequently implementing the recommendation within this current term of government?

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (Minister for Emergency Services and Correctional Services, Minister for Autism, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing) (14:26): I thank the honourable member for her question. I am advised there is no law which allows national park staff to refuse the CFS access to a national park. I am also advised that the CFS has a legislative right to enter any and all properties during a fire.

I am also advised that, in an operational sense, national park firefighters form part of the CFS chain of command and are directed by the CFS in responding. I am further advised there was no order given by the CFS restricting access to the national park.

I am also advised there is no CFS policy restricting access to national parks or use of heavy machinery. I am further advised that bulldozers were used where needed alongside sufficient back-burning and retardant being dropped wherever was needed during the fire process in Wilmington. I am also advised this was all done in accordance with the operational requirements.