Legislative Council: Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Feral Deer

In reply to the Hon. F. PANGALLO ().13 November 2024).

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries): I am advised:

That on 26 October 2024 an aerial culling operation for feral deer took place at Buckland Park as part of the SA Feral Deer Eradication Program. This operation included the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary and a number of adjoining private lands. The operation was a collaborative effort between Northern and Yorke Landscape Board, Green Adelaide and National Parks and Wildlife Service.

This was the third aerial culling operation for feral deer in the Buckland Park area. A total of 38 feral deer were removed during this operation.

The first aerial culling operation in May 2023 removed 373 feral deer, and the second operation in February 2024 removed 224 feral deer.

No other feral deer were sighted during the recent operation, but I am advised that it is possible that a few feral deer could remain along the Gawler and Light rivers, and they could reinfest the Buckland Park area. Landholders are being asked to continue to monitor and report feral deer in the region because ground shooting operations will seek to remove any remaining feral deer.

I understand landholders in the region are already experiencing benefits from the removal of more than 600 feral deer from reduced grazing pressure in the food bowl region and increased biodiversity outcomes in the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary and high value sabkha communities.