Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Matters of Interest
Pairing Arrangements
The Hon. C. BONAROS (15:17): Mr President, I apologise that I haven't had an opportunity to give you prior notice of this, but I seek leave to ask you a question following a personal explanation given by the Hon. Jing Lee in this place yesterday.
Leave granted.
The Hon. C. BONAROS: I wasn't here at the time but, referring back to Hansard, I understand the Hon. Jing Lee gave a personal explanation in this place yesterday, which talked of the pressure and stress and the discomfort and vulnerability that she felt on the previous Wednesday when we were debating a bill in this place and said that that was brought on by interactions with a visitor who was here on that evening.
Reading what Ms Lee has said in her personal explanation, it appears that some of those matters may give rise to issues of privilege and, indeed, matters that may involve the police. As such, my question to you is: have you had a discussion with the honourable member in relation to those issues, and has it been disclosed to you who that visitor that she referred to was?
The PRESIDENT (15:18): Thanks for the question. Yes, it has been disclosed to me who the visitor was. I would probably need to talk to the Hon. Ms Lee, because whilst I haven't had a face-to-face conversation with her we have had a phone conversation. In conversations I have with members, I do respect their privacy. I will take the question on notice and try to talk to the Hon. Ms Lee when I can with regard to the substance of your question.