Parliamentary Procedure
Citizen's Right of Reply
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Health Workforce
The Hon. B.R. HOOD (15:08): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before directing questions to the Attorney-General regarding state health workers.
Leave granted.
The Hon. B.R. HOOD: It has been reported that almost a quarter of the SA Health workforce have experienced violence and aggression, with higher rates of bullying, harassment and racism when compared to the broader Public Service. Despite these concerning figures, only limited actions have reportedly been taken. Given the alarming findings of the people matters survey regarding violence and aggression faced by SA Health workers, my questions to the Attorney-General in his capacity as Minister for Public Sector are:
1. Does the Attorney-General believe the current measures are sufficient to protect public healthcare staff?
2. Can he detail specific steps taken to address the rising rates of violence, aggression and bullying experienced by SA Health workers?
3. What immediate actions will be taken to address the high rates of verbal intimidation and physical assaults reported by staff and how will this impact the future policy?
4. Will increased penalties be looked at?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector) (15:09): I thank the honourable member for his question about workplace conditions, and it does occur to me I talked briefly about it earlier. I talked about workplace conditions and the workplace conditions we face in this chamber. I was just contemplating: could you imagine a private sector employer who would require someone who is in the middle of battling cancer and receiving treatment for breast cancer being required to turn up to work at 10 o'clock at night, like the actions of the Hon. Ben Hood's party forced Michelle Lensink to try to do last night? That sort of workplace would not happen in the private sector, and yet—
Members interjecting:
The Hon. K.J. MAHER: —and yet we have had the Hon. Ben Hood sit there—
The Hon. F. PANGALLO: Point of order.
The PRESIDENT: Attorney! I have the Hon. Mr Pangallo on his feet.
The Hon. F. PANGALLO: Can I ask that the Leader of the Government address the question rather than this continual bullying of the Hon. Mr Hood.
The PRESIDENT: It is not a point of order. Attorney, I will ask you to continue, but can you please try to address the substance of the question.
The Hon. K.J. MAHER: Yes, I will, sir. We should all have a right to feel safe at work and be treated with respect at work, and that was exactly what was not afforded to one of the Liberal Party's own last night. If you were to tell me we are not fit to govern without using those words, it is the very thing that we saw happen last night, having one of their own dragged into here, which you would never see in a private sector workplace. And one of the reasons you would never see it is that you are unlikely to see the sort of behaviour that we witnessed last night from within the Liberal Party to one of their own in a private sector workplace.
In relation to people at work, in terms of hospitals and the health setting, I know I have spent time with the minister responsible, the Hon. Chris Picton, and some of the very dedicated and hardworking security guards who work in our hospitals, to talk about the issues they face and how we can improve the system.