Legislative Council: Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Singapore Airlines

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. J.S. Lee:

That this council—

1. Congratulates Singapore Airlines for 40 years of successful operation in Adelaide;

2. Acknowledges Singapore Airlines as Adelaide's longest serving international airline;

3. Recognises the significant impact Singapore Airlines has on the visitor economy, international students market, international trade and exports sector over the last 40 years;

4. Notes Singapore Airlines has played a pivotal role in South Australia's COVID pandemic recovery and was one of the first international airlines to reintroduce flights in mid-2020 to help repatriate South Australians and to also transport South Australian exports to global markets; and

5. Commends Singapore Airlines for its long-term commitment to work in partnership with Adelaide Airport and recognises the airline's important contributions to the tourism, transport and aviation sectors in South Australia.

(Continued from 12 September 2024.)

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (22:58): I would like to thank the member for moving this motion and indicate the government's support. Forty years of Singapore Airlines flying in and out of Adelaide is a remarkable milestone, so thank you for acknowledging that today. Singapore Airlines was not only the first international airline to operate daily flights to Adelaide from 2006, their ongoing presence in our state has brought significant benefits to South Australia's economy.

The current schedule of daily direct flights facilitates tens of millions of dollars in tourism per year. I believe $96 million per year, to be exact, is generated for our state. I understand that this may grow, as Singapore Airlines' air traffic into Adelaide is due to increase, with the addition of three further flights per week, bringing it to a total of 10 flights each week.

Singapore Airlines is known for its excellent customer service and very strong safety record. In fact, it consistently ranks among the world's top airlines. Singapore Airlines operates an extensive network covering 76 destinations across Asia, North America, Australasia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Singapore Airlines is an important airline partner, driving travel from South Australia's key markets and in itself is currently South Australia's fourth largest market in terms of visitor expenditure.

Data from Tourism Research Australia indicates that our state welcomed 15,000 visitors from Singapore just in the year ending December 2023, and Singapore Airlines helps people right across the world travel to and from our state. Their breadth of coverage means that Singapore Airlines is a very significant connector for many of our migrant and multicultural communities as well as many South Australians who travel for business or for leisure.

As a carrier and as a company, Singapore Airlines has been an incredible supporter of the Adelaide market over the last four decades. They have been with us through the highs of extraordinary growth of international travel and the lows of the COVID pandemic. In fact, Singapore Airlines was one of the first international airlines to reintroduce flights, in mid-2020, to help bring home South Australians who were desperate to return here at the height of the pandemic as well as to transport South Australian exports to global markets.

Singapore Airlines was a groundbreaker in providing South Australians with a single-stop connection to Europe and the UK rather than having to go through Sydney or Melbourne. In 2018, Singapore Airlines chose Adelaide as their global launch port for its brand-new A350 MH aircraft, and in August 2023, Singapore Airlines added an additional 238 weekly seats to its Adelaide to Singapore services by replacing its aircraft with a B787-10 Dreamliner.

The South Australian government recognises the crucial importance of Singapore Airlines as a partner in driving inbound visitation from our key markets as well as getting South Australians where they need to go across the globe. I congratulate Singapore Airlines on behalf of the government on 40 years of operation into and out of Adelaide. The South Australian government acknowledges and thanks Singapore Airlines for being South Australia's longest serving international carrier as well as for their long-term partnership in and sponsorship of the Santos Tour Down Under. I am pleased to support this motion.

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (23:02): I would like to thank the Hon. Emily Bourke for her contribution in support of the 40th anniversary of Singapore Airlines' operation in Adelaide. I also want to note that the Hon. Dennis Hood made a fantastic contribution last sitting week in support of this motion as well. I commend the motion.

Motion carried.