Legislative Council: Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Question Time

Regional Roads

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:28): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question of the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development regarding regional roads.

Leave granted.

The Hon. J.S. LEE: In the lead-up to the state budget, the RAA called for a $1 billion investment in SA roads, saying the condition of the network is becoming alarming. The organisation is urging for a substantial increase in infrastructure funding following the recent federal budget, which did not include any new projects. Additionally, it advocates for a significant advancement in the duplication of national highways, specifically the Augusta, Dukes and Sturt highways. RAA CEO Nick Reade said, and I quote:

Quite frankly, the state of our road network is becoming alarming.

The road maintenance and backlog is growing faster than our roads are being fixed.

The latest Auditor General Report shows that 20 per cent of our 13,000 kilometre sealed road network is in the maintenance backlog, which is more than 2,500 kilometres of road in need of repair.

That means our roads aren't as safe as they should be, nor are they as productive as they could be from a freight productivity point of view.

Out of the $310.6 million dedicated to regional road improvement, $250 million is for the Mount Barker-to-city highway, leaving only $60 million for the 24,000 kilometres of truly regional roads across the rest of the state. This means that, at best, only 19.3 per cent of the claim funding will benefit regional South Australia where the funding is most needed. Many of these roads connect regional communities right across our state, as well as being the arteries for the transportation of food and fibre. My questions to the minister are:

1. Now that there is no longer a dedicated minister focused solely on regional roads, did you, as the Minister for Regional Development, formally advocate for adequate funding for regional roads in the current state budget?

2. If the minister did try to do so, why has her voice not been effective?

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (14:30): I thank the honourable member for her question. The Minister for Transport is the minister who covers regional roads. There has been significant investment into roads in this most recent budget, including the South Eastern Freeway, which I would expect those opposite would understand is a significant freight route. Given that we need updates to significant freight routes, among others, that is a very positive and welcome investment.

It's also worth noting that we inherited a significantly higher backlog of road maintenance when we came into government compared with when the former Labor government changed to the Liberals in 2018.