Legislative Council: Thursday, May 16, 2024


Playford Memorial Trust

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. J.S. Lee:

That this council—

1. Congratulates the Playford Memorial Trust for its important role in supporting education in South Australia and for achieving its 40th anniversary in 2023;

2. Recognises that the Playford Memorial Trust was established in 1983 to honour the memory of Sir Thomas Playford, the state's longest serving premier, through its objective to establish 'a fund to promote, encourage and finance research and development of projects relating to the primary, secondary and tertiary and mining industries which will be of practical use and benefit to South Australians';

3. Acknowledges the importance that the Playford Memorial Trust has in providing prestigious scholarships, awards and internships for high-achieving students working in areas of strategic importance to the state; and

4. Shows appreciation to the Playford Memorial Trust chair and board members for bringing extensive experience from a range of sectors and recognises their commitment to continue the legacy of Sir Thomas Playford and for their role in reviewing and developing the trust's strategic priorities to ensure South Australia's future needs are met.

(Continued from 6 March 2024.)

The Hon. M. EL DANNAWI (16:50): On behalf of the government, I rise to speak in support of the honourable member's motion. We wish to commend the invaluable work of the Playford Memorial Trust and recognise its impact on the education sector and the broader community. We also congratulate the trust for achieving its 40th anniversary in 2023.

The trust was established in 1983 to nurture and support high-achieving students in strategic fields vital to our state's prosperity. Since its inception, the trust has enabled students across diverse academic levels to realise their potential and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and research in South Australia. It enjoys bipartisan political support and operates as an independent not-for-profit charitable trust dedicated to empowering our brightest minds in areas ranging from advanced manufacturing to health sciences.

The trust, alongside its partners across industry, government, the education sector and the community, provide the support through scholarships, internships and awards totalling approximately $700,000 this year alone. Central to the trust mission is its commitment to priority areas crucial to our state's economic resilience and growth. These priorities are reviewed by the board regularly to reflect our state's evolving economic landscape, from water, energy and climate, to space and defence technologies, ensuring that our students are equipped to address emerging challenges and opportunities.

Of particular significance is the trust's dedication to promoting science, technology, engineering and mathematics studies and careers, aligning with our national and state government priorities for science. It also complements the South Australian government's STEM strategy and associated programs.

In addition to the annual grant of $75,000 provided to the trust by the state government, $95,000 for 2023-24, indexed by 2.5 per cent in accordance with Treasury indexation figures, the Department of the Premier and Cabinet also provide administrative support to the Playford Memorial Trust. The trust's success is exemplified by the remarkable achievements of its past scholarship recipients.

I also take this opportunity to recognise the board members past and present for their many years of leadership and service to the trust and congratulate all the students who have received this prestigious scholarship award.

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (16:53): I would like to thank the Hon. Mira El Dannawi for her support, on behalf of the Labor Party, of the motion to congratulate the Playford Memorial Trust for reaching its 40-year anniversary and also to honour the memory of Sir Thomas Playford, the state's longest serving Premier. I want to congratulate everybody who played a strong role in the Playford Memorial Trust and I once again commend the motion.

Motion carried.