Legislative Council: Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Thriving Communities Program

The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (14:51): My question is to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development regarding the Thriving Communities Program. My question is: will the minister inform the chamber about the recent announcements of successful recipients for the state government's Thriving Communities Program?

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (14:51): I would be delighted to.

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: The Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development has the call.

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN: I am delighted that last week I was able to announce 21 recipients of grant funding under the latest round of the Thriving Communities Program. Thriving Communities Program grants range from $20,000 to $50,000, with the aim of building social capital through facilitating community group participation, a sense of belonging and increased access. In meeting these aims, successful applicants' projects are all about supporting minor infrastructure, services and wellbeing outcomes in regional communities.

In all, funding that's been allocated to the 21 applicants is a total of $817,836.06. This is a significant investment into regional communities that will deliver real benefits on the ground through the grassroots organisations that are receiving the funding. In no particular order, I congratulate the following who have been successful:

Ngarrindjeri Ruwe Empowered Communities;

Foodbank of South Australia Incorporated;

Kyancutta Community Club Incorporated;

Fisherman Bay Progress Association;

Burra Community Management Committee;

Snowtown Progress Association;

Price Progress Association;

Millicent Men's Shed;

St Vincent de Paul Society of South Australia Incorporated;

Southern Yorke Peninsula Community Hub;

Southern Yorke Peninsula Agricultural Society Incorporated;

Kalangadoo Community Club;

Milang and District Community Association;

Mt McKenzie Hall Incorporated;

Frances Progress Association;

Tulka Progress Association;

Jamestown A.H&F Society;

Lochiel Progress Association Incorporated;

Port Germain Progress Association;

Blyth Progress Association; and

Clare Agricultural and Horticultural Society.

Some of the important projects that will be completed with the assistance of these funds include a metal workshop fit-out at the Millicent Men's Shed; extension to the Jamestown Shearer training centre wool area; installing an industrial kitchen in the Milang Lakeside Butter Factory, which I will note is not a commercial factory, for anyone who is not familiar with the Milang area; and the Annexing Resilience in the Riverland project run by Foodbank of South Australia, amongst many other fantastic and worthy community capacity-building projects.

The Thriving Communities Program, as part of the broader Thriving Regions Fund, demonstrates the Malinauskas government's commitment to growing our regions and further developing the sense of participation and belonging that community groups provide to regional communities through their excellent work. It is pleasing that they can be recognised and assisted through Thriving Communities Program grants.