Legislative Council: Tuesday, February 06, 2024


Veterans Ministerial Council

In reply to the Hon. S.L. GAME ().28 November 2023).

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries): The Minister for Veteran Affairs has advised:

1. Due to ill health, I was unable to attend the Veterans' Ministerial Council (VMC) meeting held in Perth on 6 October 2023, hosted by the Australian government Minister for Veterans' Affairs, the Hon. Matt Keogh MP.

Senior officers from Veterans SA and my office attended the meeting. The Senior Advisor, Veteran Services from the Department for Correctional Services, Mr Chris Tilley, delivered a virtual presentation to the VMC regarding improving support for veterans in South Australia's corrective services system.

Careful consideration was given to sending another minister or member of parliament to the VMC. It was decided that due to the short notice involved from the time of my return from major heart surgery and subsequent health setback in September 2023, and the emphasis on South Australian initiatives on the meeting agenda that our state's commitment to the veteran community was self-evident, without ministerial representation.'

2. Due to ill health, I was unable to attend the Veterans' Ministerial Council (VMC) meeting held in Perth on 6 October 2023, hosted by the Australian government Minister for Veterans' Affairs, the Hon. Matt Keogh MP. senior officers from Veterans SA and my office attended the meeting.

Matters discussed at the meeting included:

Harmonisation of veteran recognition and concessions

Veteran mental health support

Veterans hubs

An address from the Rt Hon. Johnny Mercer MP, United Kingdom Minister of State on matters of importance to UK veterans and their families, and shared insights into the UK veteran landscape

Research and data collection

Veteran homelessness and incarceration

Update on the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide

The Senior Advisor Veteran Services from the South Australian Department for Correctional Services, Chris Tilley, delivered a virtual presentation to the VMC regarding improving support for veterans in South Australia's corrective services system.

The VMC also considered the merits of including a 'Defence and/or Veteran Family' identifier on school enrolment forms to help identify the children of current and former Australian Defence Force personnel.

The Joint Communique—Veterans' Ministerial Council issued following the meeting recognises that South Australia is leading this important initiative for veterans and their families.

This initiative will commence in South Australia next year thanks to our colleague, the Minister for Education, Training and Skills, the Hon Blair Boyer MP. Ministers noted the potential benefits of this initiative, intended to improve the school-based supports for children from veteran families. Ministers agreed to explore this in their relevant jurisdictions.

While naturally, I would have preferred to be present at the VMC meeting, my health at the time did not allow me to attend in person or commit to a three-hour zoom meeting.

I have an excellent relationship with Minister Keogh, who conveyed my disappointment that I was unable to attend the VMC to those present.