Legislative Council: Wednesday, November 01, 2023


Qantas Chairman's Lounge Membership

The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO (14:52): I seek leave to give a brief explanation before asking a question of the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development about membership.

Leave granted.

The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO: Yesterday, I was provided with answers to questions on notice that I had submitted some weeks ago regarding the minister's neglect in acknowledging her membership of the Qantas Chairman's Lounge. To my question, 'On what date did the minister become aware that her register of interests was incorrect?' the minister answered, 'Refer to answers provided in Hansard 26 September 2023.'

To my question, 'On what date did the minister update her register of interests?' the minister answered, 'Refer to answers provided in Hansard 26 September 2023.' To my question, 'What items did the minister update in her register of interests at the time of the latest update?' the minister answered, 'Refer to answers provided in Hansard 26 September 2023.' The same answers for all three questions.

Now, you are probably not surprised that I went and reread the Hansard from 26 September 2023 which makes absolutely no mention of the actual date. My questions remain to the minister:

1. On what date did the minister become aware that her register of interests was incorrect?

2. On what date did the minister update her register of interests?

3. What items did the minister update in her register of interests at the time of the latest update?

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (14:54): I refer to my answer on 26 September 2023.