Legislative Council: Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Marine Scalefish Fishery

The Hon. N.J. CENTOFANTI (Leader of the Opposition) (14:33): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question of the Minister for Primary Industries on marine scalefish fishery reform.

Leave granted.

The Hon. N.J. CENTOFANTI: Currently it is the opposition's understanding that Spencer Gulf prawn fishermen are able to take all the tier 1 squid for no cost, no quota and no restrictions. My question to the minister is:

1. Can she confirm that this is the case?

2. If it is indeed the case, can she explain how that fits under her user-pays system?

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (14:33): Again, I would point out to the Leader of the Opposition that this was a reform that was undertaken by the former Liberal government.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN: We are hearing the interjections from those opposite, saying—


The Hon. I.K. Hunter interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Mr Hunter!

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Mr Hunter, your contributions aren't assisting. The honourable Leader of the Opposition and the Hon. Ms Girolamo, I want to listen to the answer. Minister, please.

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN: As I was saying, this reform was done under the former Liberal government, so if we are talking about the overall marine scalefish fishery reform—

The Hon. K.J. Maher interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Attorney-General!

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN: —these sorts of questions could easily, by those opposite, be directed to their own colleagues in the other place—

The Hon. K.J. Maher interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Attorney-General!

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN: —those who made the decisions at the time about how that reform would roll out.

Members interjecting:


The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN: Those opposite don't like to admit and acknowledge that this was a reform that their colleagues did. In terms of that sort of detail about what discussions happened at the time, back in 2020-21, or those kinds of decisions, then, really, they should ask their colleagues. But, of course, we know what those opposite are like when it comes to communication within their own party: it's so poor that they lose members left, right and centre.

However, in terms of the specifics of the question, since those opposite obviously can't communicate with their own members who made those decisions back at that time, it is fair to say that there are fishermen who have licences for a main species and have rights to some other species. If the member opposite would like to provide more detail, I am happy to provide that additional information on reference to the department.