Legislative Council: Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Public Holidays

The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO (14:44): Supplementary—

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Order! The Hon. Ms Girolamo has a supplementary question arising from the answer.

The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO: If the YourSAy just closed, does that mean that it won't be considering the public holiday on Easter Sunday then? It was only raised on Saturday by the SDA.


The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector) (14:45): No.

The Hon. H.M. Girolamo: There we go; so it's pointless. So you are not consulting.

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Ms Girolamo!

The Hon. K.J. MAHER: It's not the case that we won't consult.

Members interjecting:


The Hon. K.J. MAHER: To expand further, there were some many dozens, I think even some hundreds of contributions to the YourSAy website. We will consider all things that were put forward to that YourSAy website, including any suggestions about Easter Sunday.