Legislative Council: Tuesday, November 01, 2022


Forensic Science SA

In reply to the Hon. C. BONAROS ().7 September 2022).

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector): I have been advised:

Following the state borders re-opening and the resultant impact of COVID-19, Forensic Science SA has seen a significant increase in deceased to FSSA, both coronial and non-coronial in nature. This increase in deceased numbers is beyond the current capacity of the FSSA facility and the back-up facility has been activated. The backup facility is not at capacity and there is now sufficient storage space for current deceased numbers.

Naomi Kereru was appointed as a Coroner in April this year as a short-term measure to assist the State Coroner in dealing with management of workload in this jurisdiction. Then, in August this year, Coroner Kereru was reappointed as a Coroner for a further 12-month period, utilising the additional funding provided in the current budget.

Additional funding for the Coroner's Court for 2022-23 is $976,000. The Coroner's Court budget is a subset of the overall budget of the Courts Administration Authority. Expenditure of that budget is a matter for the State Coroner and the Chief Magistrate. The total budget for the Coroner's Court for 2022-23 is $4.673 million.