Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Forensic Science SA
In reply to the Hon. C. BONAROS ().7 September 2022).
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector): I have been advised:
Following the state borders re-opening and the resultant impact of COVID-19, Forensic Science SA has seen a significant increase in deceased to FSSA, both coronial and non-coronial in nature. This increase in deceased numbers is beyond the current capacity of the FSSA facility and the back-up facility has been activated. The backup facility is not at capacity and there is now sufficient storage space for current deceased numbers.
Naomi Kereru was appointed as a Coroner in April this year as a short-term measure to assist the State Coroner in dealing with management of workload in this jurisdiction. Then, in August this year, Coroner Kereru was reappointed as a Coroner for a further 12-month period, utilising the additional funding provided in the current budget.
Additional funding for the Coroner's Court for 2022-23 is $976,000. The Coroner's Court budget is a subset of the overall budget of the Courts Administration Authority. Expenditure of that budget is a matter for the State Coroner and the Chief Magistrate. The total budget for the Coroner's Court for 2022-23 is $4.673 million.