Legislative Council: Thursday, September 08, 2022


Autism Lead Teachers

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:08): Supplementary: can the parliamentary secretary inform if every government primary school been advised of the autism lead teacher allocation yet? If she does not have the answer, can she take it on notice?

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (15:08): I am happy to answer that question. Yes, the schools have been advised of their allocation breakdown. We made that very unique announcement yesterday through the media, that we will be providing the scope and the role requirements to all public schools this week. That is a significant announcement. As I said before, this is the largest network of autism inclusive teachers to be rolled out anywhere in this country. No other state has access to an autism inclusion teacher in every public primary school.

Most other states have gone down the role of a hub and spoke model; we are implementing the dream model. We are implementing something that other states have been talking about but haven't been able to implement. We are implementing that here in South Australia and it is a big step for everyone.