Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Matters of Interest
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Answers to Questions
Ambulance Ramping
The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (15:01): Supplementary: has the minister seen the ramping statistics for January?
The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing) (15:01): In terms of the point I often make to the opposition, you can see on a real-time basis on the SA Health website the impact of transfer of care loss. I would make the point that the December data showed that there had been a 25 per cent decrease in the last two months of last year. That's very encouraging and it's—
The Hon. C.M. Scriven: Have you seen the January statistics? That was the question.
The Hon. S.G. WADE: —continued. In terms of the advice I have been getting in terms of regular updates on the operation of the health networks, it continues to be a positive situation in terms of a lower level of transfer of care loss. This improvement, and particularly since October, I believe is a significant reflection on the positive initiatives that the state government has taken. We have expanded the—
The Hon. I.K. Hunter: It's still the highest in the country.
The Hon. I.K. Hunter: On your watch.
The Hon. S.G. WADE: —emergency department capacity or are in the process of expanding the capacity in the Southern Health Expansion Plan—
The Hon. I.K. Hunter: The highest ambulance ramping on record in the country brought to you by Stephen Wade.
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: The Hon. Mr Hunter, enough!
The Hon. S.G. WADE: —the Lyell McEwin Hospital redevelopment, stage 3 of The QEH, the paediatric emergency department upgrades at the Women's and Children's Hospital, but, very importantly, the programs in the community: the Urgent Mental Health Care Centre, the mental health co-responders, the Child and Adolescent Virtual Urgent Care Service. All of these things are helping South Australians to get the care they need in hospitals with increased capacity or in the community, avoiding the need to transfer.