Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
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Parliamentary Procedure
Matters of Interest
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
Marathon Health
The Hon. J.E. HANSON (14:53): My question is to the Minister for Human Services regarding disability. After telling this place yesterday that Marathon Health is required to provide care for NDIS participants if their carers unexpectedly can't serve them, can the minister advise the council:
1. Does Marathon Health have an office in South Australia and, if so, where that is?
2. Is Marathon just an interim provider in South Australia?
3. When exactly does Marathon's contract end?
4. How many people can Marathon Health support at short notice in South Australia if required?
The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (14:53): Of course, most of these questions the honourable member should direct to the federal minister, given that it is a contract which is managed by the federal government. Marathon Health, as I understand it, has an exceptionally complex support needs program. The purpose of that in terms of being a provider of last resort is the anecdotal story that is often told—I am not sure if it's an urban myth or how it came about or if it's just the sort of scenario that most people can imagine—which is that somebody with a disability is left at the bus stop at 5.30 on a Friday afternoon when offices have closed, and who does someone call?
In terms of whether somebody is conveyed to an emergency department and would potentially become a social admission within our health system, or whether police are contacted because somebody has been relinquished, the service providers are aware that Marathon Health is the service to call. I understand that they will coordinate with local service providers in terms of providing that assistance. I would direct the honourable member to refer his other questions to the federal minister for the NDIS, Senator the Hon. Linda Reynolds.