Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Answers to Questions
The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (14:25): My question is to the Minister for Human Services regarding appropriate behaviour:
1. After the Premier's office was advised of the growing data scandal last week, what advice has the minister sought about breaches of the Public Sector Act, breaches of the Public Sector Code of Ethics, potential breaches of the commonwealth information and telecommunication laws, and the potential security risk to state government IT systems from embedded third-party links?
2. In particular, what advice has the minister sought with regard to breaches of section 251 of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935?
The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (14:25): Goodness me, sounds like it is another episode of Labor book club.
The Hon. K.J. Maher: This is serious. The Ombudsman will be very interested in how lightly you take this.
The PRESIDENT: Order! The Hon. Ms Bourke would like to hear the answer, and her colleagues should remain silent.
The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK: My understanding of the matters that have been raised is that there have been media releases, which are the source of people's concerns. I asked the chief executives of both my agencies to check that all of their systems were not in breach of anything, and I assume they have done that.