Parliamentary Procedure
Parliament House Matters
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Problem Gambling
In reply to the Hon. C. BONAROS (3 December 2020).
The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services): The Attorney-General has advised the following:
Records held by Consumer and Business Services indicate that prior to the March lockdown period, statewide net gambling revenue (NGR) being the total amount of all bets made on gaming machines in hotels and clubs less the total amount of all prizes won was as follows:
NGR for the month of January 2020 | $57,573,632 |
NGR for the month of February 2020 | $54,069,386 |
Two-month average | $55,821,509 |
Following the subsequent opening of hotels and clubs with gaming machines after the lockdown, NGR for the following two periods was as follows:
NGR for the month of July 2020 | $73,212,214 |
NGR for the month of August 2020 | $70,996,186 |
Two-month average | $72,104,200 |
While there was an increase in NGR following the resumption of gaming operations after the lockdown, NGR for November 2020 has in comparison significantly reduced:
NGR for the month of November 2020 | $51,586,426 |
I have been advised:
As of 17 December 2020, it is estimated approximately 38 full-time equivalent gambling counsellor or harm minimisation positions are provided by non-government organisations funded through the Gambler's Rehabilitation Fund.
These positions work in a variety of settings, including undertaking outreach to gaming venues.