Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Social Housing
The Hon. I. PNEVMATIKOS (15:17): In her answer, the minister referred to an increase in social housing. Is the minister now contradicting written advice from her own chief executive, on 3 November, that social housing will reduce by 633 over five years?
The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (15:18): What I am referring to is two separate issues. There is the Our Housing Future 2020-2030 strategy; we are projecting that there will be a modest net increase through that program. The program that she is talking about, which is the one that I refer to often and which Labor has no record on, is the so-called viability program, which was placed in the forward estimates by Labor treasurers and which was still there when we came to government. Through that program we are reducing the number of properties that need to be sold each year because we have found our own internal savings, so that we don't need to sell as many properties as the Labor Party, going forward.