Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Committees
Answers to Questions
Disability Services
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (15:03): My question is to the Minister for Human Services, regarding disability services. Minister, are you aware of any death of any person in state disability care, following a critical incident report this year? Can you outline exactly what is meant by 'critical incident' in the context of state disability care?
The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (15:03): I think I took on notice this week that I would get back to the honourable member in relation to any death that I had become aware of, and that is still the case. If I can outline for him what the incident management process is: we have an incident management system within the Department of Human Services, which started in December 2016 and brought together the functions of the former care concern investigations unit, the employer relations unit and the Disability SA feedback and incident review team.
The IMU has responsibility for triaging and determining appropriate response to all allegations of inappropriate care for DHS clients, staff misconduct, critical client incidents, related disclosure assessments, reportable death and subsequent coronial inquests relating to a CCI. This includes incidents that occur within accommodation services and the youth justice training centre.
Other areas of responsibility include the review of spent conviction applications relating to the care of vulnerable people to determine if intervention is required, the provision of technical consultancy across the department on conducting investigations and a contact point for information sharing with the South Australian police. The IMU is also responsible for investigating matters relating to DHS by the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption for matters of misconduct or maladministration. The IMU also has a coordination role in relation to the National Redress Scheme.
In relation to any CCIs, I am alerted to those by email; I am on the distribution list. They are then followed up to advise what action, if necessary, has taken place.