Legislative Council: Tuesday, June 02, 2020


Parliamentary Procedure


The following papers were laid on the table:

By the President—

Summary Offences Act 1953—

Section 74B Road Blocks Authorisations issued for the period 1 January 2020 to 31 March 2020

Section 83B Dangerous Area Declarations issued for the period 1 January 2020 to 31 March 2020

By the Treasurer (Hon. R.I. Lucas)—

Fee Notices under Acts—

Legal Practitioners Act 1981

Notices under Acts—

Mutual Recognition (WA Container Deposit Scheme) Notice 2020

Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (WA Container Deposit Scheme) Notice 2020

Regulations under Acts—

COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020—

Commercial Leases (No. 2)

Section 14

Section 14—Variations

Legal Practitioners Act 1981—

Fee Notice—Variations

Foreign Lawyers

Liquor Licensing Act 1997—Miscellaneous

Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995—Miscellaneous

Southern State Superannuation Act 2009—Inactive Low Balance and Lost Member Accounts

Summary Offences Act 1953—Variation of Schedule 2—Exemptions

Superannuation Act 1988—Prescribed Authority

Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia Act 1995—Construction Industry Training Board

Taxation Administration Act 1996—Information Disclosure

Rules of Court—

District Court Act 1991—

Criminal—Supplementary—Amendment No. 7

Special Applications—Amendment No 2

Uniform Civil

Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993—

Amendment No 2

Native Title—Amendment No 1

Supreme Court Act 1935—

Corporations—Amendment No 10

Criminal—Amendment No 8

Criminal—Supplementary—Amendment No 7

Land and Valuation Division—Amendment No 2

Special Applications—Amendment No 3

Uniform Civil

Youth Court—Youth Court Act 1993—

Adoption—Amendment No 1

Care and Protection—Amendment No 1

General—Amendment No 1

By the Minister for Trade and Investment (Hon. D.W. Ridgway)—

Regulations under Acts—

Fisheries Act 2007—

Demerit Points—Rock Lobster

General—Section 70—Prescribed Fishing Activities

Rock Lobster Fisheries—Quota

Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004—Food Safety Schemes—(Meat Food Safety Advisory Committee) Revocation

By the Minister for Human Services (Hon. J.M.A. Lensink)—

Regulations under Acts—

Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016—Prohibited Persons—Exemption No. 2

Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017—Safety—Exemption from Psychological Assessment No. 2

Disability Services Act 1993—Assessment of Relevant History—Exemptions—No. 2

Youth Justice Administration Act 2016—Expiry