Parliamentary Procedure
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The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (14:32): Further supplementary: in which case, in every metropolitan hospital, minister, how many hospital beds will be made available—isolation beds, I presume—for COVID-19 patients?
The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing) (14:33): The scenario planning obviously has a huge number of variables. As of today, God willing, this lady will be discharged. We won't have a single bed in South Australia being used by a person who has had confirmed COVID-19 or coronavirus. We are yet to see what the impact will be. I think the Chief Medical Officer of Australia has highlighted that the difficulty in being clear about scenarios is how quickly the disease spreads.
Obviously, if the disease spreads quickly, it will have a much higher impact on patient services. If it is a slower spread, it will have less of an impact on hospital services. Again, I would stress that not every person with coronavirus will have severe symptoms. A person who is dealing with coronavirus may not need to be hospitalised. These are all matters for public health clinicians and, for that matter, GPs, hospital networks and the like.