Legislative Council: Thursday, December 05, 2019


Tour Down Under

The Hon. F. PANGALLO (15:02): Further supplementary: why does it matter that it happened 20 years ago? Is the minister concerned about Mr O'Grady's credibility when, for many years—probably going back 20 years—he repeatedly denied taking any drugs to enhance his performance? He was lying. So how can you have confidence in his credibility after making such a confession?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (15:03): I think the honourable member almost answers his own question. He actually did confess. He actually said, 'I've done the wrong thing; I regret it.' As I said, and I will repeat, he paid a significant personal price as an individual, as an athlete, and his family paid a price. He confessed, but we have been through a vigorous process and the UCI world president and also people like Gerry Ryan wouldn't be putting their names to this appointment if they were not comfortable and confident that this appointment was going to enhance this great event.

We should be particularly proud of the fact that an event that is now over 20 years old, supported by pretty much everybody in the state is a wonderful event. People such as David Lappartient, Gerry Ryan and others are global ambassadors and support the appointment because they know that this is the right appointment. We have a South Australian director following in the footsteps of Mike Turtur, another great South Australian. Mike Turtur himself is very, very comfortable with Stuart O'Grady's appointment.

The PRESIDENT: I thought that was the last supplementary, but I am going to give you the extra special last one.