Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Parliamentary Committees
Answers to Questions
Answers to Questions
Local Health Networks
152 The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (30 October 2019).
1. On what date were proposed/draft service level agreements for 2019-20 first presented to local health network governing boards, LHN CEOs and/or board chairs?
2. Has each local health network board established a register in accordance with s 33D of the Health Care Act 2008 regarding board members' interests?
(a) If so, where are these registers accessible to the public?
(b) If these registers are accessible in different places for different boards, please detail the location of each register.
3. Has the Minister for Health and Wellbeing complied with his responsibilities under schedule 3, section 3(2) of the Health Care Act 2008 to publish the remuneration and allowances of the board members? If so where is this website published?
4. How many employees of the Rural Support Service have a total remuneration package of over $100,000 per annum? And if the minister believes this information is contained in previous answers, what is the reference for those answers?
5. What is the current FTE of the Rural Support Service?
6. How many FTEs of the Rural Support Service have their primary office location in the Adelaide CBD? How many in each of the six country local hospital networks?
7. What is the current office location of the Rural Support Service? What is the rental cost of the premises?
8. When will the headquarters of the Rural Support Service open in Nuriootpa?
9. What will be the location of the Rural Support Service in Nuriootpa?
10. When will the majority of staff in the Rural Support Service be based at its headquarters in Nuriootpa?
11. Noting that contracts under the Patient Services Panel commenced in July 2019—on what specific dates in July did contracts start with the 13 private hospitals for elective surgery and emergency patient care following the new central government contract?
12. Notwithstanding the regularity of consultation with LHNs—on what date were the local hospital network boards consulted about the new contracts with 13 private hospitals?
13. Do any members of LHN boards have interests, shares, directorships or other conflicts with private hospital providers—and if so which board members and what are the natures of the conflicts?
14. Noting that this level of detail is not currently publicly available—which private hospitals are contracted to conduct elective surgeries on public patients, and for which elective surgery procedures? When do these contracts conclude? How is the funding broken down by hospital? Will the government publish the amount of work performed under these contracts, broken down by hospital? If so, where and how often will this information be published?
15. Notwithstanding the level of similarity to other contracts in place, what provisions do the new contracts with 13 private hospital providers contain about:
(a) the safety and quality of care?
(b) nursing staff levels?
(c) reporting of critical incidents?
(d) dispute resolution?
(e) minimum throughput numbers?
(f) availability of private beds for public patients when demand is high for private patients?
(g) use of public sector medical officers?
(h) privacy of patients and medical records?
16. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information—as a total percentage amount—what percentage of the funding allocated to SA Health for 2019-20 will be spent in regional South Australia?
17. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, what percentage of the funding spent by SA Health in 2018-19 was spent in regional South Australia?
18. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, what percentage of SA Health FTEs were based in regional South Australia in 2018-19?
19. Following the minister's statement to parliament that a report was prepared, on what date was the Women's and Children's Hospital task force report received by the minister?
20. Noting the Premier stated to parliament that the government has received preliminary cost estimates for the new Women's and Children's Hospital, on what date did the minister and the department first receive these preliminary cost estimates?
21. Noting the Premier has stated to parliament that the government has received preliminary cost estimates for the new Women's and Children's Hospital, what is the range of construction cost estimates for the new Women's and Children's Hospital that the government is so far in receipt of?
22. What is the total cost per annum of the five additional FTEs added to the minister's office over the past two financial years—including salary, super and work-related benefits?
23. Noting that this information is not available in current annual reports of the Central Adelaide Local Health Network or other public information, for 2018-19 what expenditure occurred at Hampstead?
24. Noting that this information is not available in current annual reports of the Central Adelaide Local Health Network or other public information, for 2019-20 what is the budgeted expenditure at Hampstead?
25. Noting that this information is not available in current annual reports of the Central Adelaide Local Health Network or other public information, for 2018-19 how many FTE were based at Hampstead?
26. Noting that this information is not available in current annual reports of the Central Adelaide Local Health Network or other public information, for 2019-20 what is the FTE planned for Hampstead?
27. When is the planned closure date for Hampstead?
28. What will happen to the Hampstead site following its closure?
29. When is the planned closure date for St Margaret's?
30. What will happen to the St Margaret's site following its closure?
31. What will the number of paediatric assessment cubicles be in the Lyell McEwin Hospital emergency department following the redevelopment?
32. What will the number of resuscitation bays be in the Lyell McEwin Hospital emergency department following the redevelopment?
33. Noting that maintenance of SA Dental Service clinics is managed by the Department for Health and Wellbeing capital funding process, how many SA Dental clinics have a remaining building life of five years or less and what are the locations and titles of each of those clinics?
34. Noting that this information is not available in current annual reports of the Central Adelaide Local Health Network or other public information, what is the recurrent cost and the total FTE of the SA Dental Service—both actual from 2018-19 and budgeted for 2019-20?
35. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, what was the total waiting list for public restorative dental services as at each of the following dates:
1 March 2018
1 April 2018
1 May 2018
1 June 2018
1 July 2018
1 August 2018
1 September 2018
1 October 2018
1 November 2018
1 December 2018
1 January 2019
1 February 2019
1 March 2019
1 April 2019
1 May 2019
1 June 2019
1 July 2019
1 August 2019
1 September 2019
1 October 2019
1 November 2019
36. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, what was the average waiting time for public restorative dental services as at each of the following dates:
1 March 2018
1 April 2018
1 May 2018
1 June 2018
1 July 2018
1 August 2018
1 September 2018
1 October 2018
1 November 2018
1 December 2018
1 January 2019
1 February 2019
1 March 2019
1 April 2019
1 May 2019
1 June 2019
1 July 2019
1 August 2019
1 September 2019
1 October 2019
1 November 2019
37. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, what is the current wait list time for restorative public dental care in each SA Dental Service clinic?
38. Can the minister confirm whether the 2018-19 dental services statistics published in the budget were correct or incorrect? If incorrect, what are the correct statistics for dental care provided in 2018-19? If correct, why was there such a large reduction in services?
39. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, how will the $4.5 million per annum in savings to hotel and catering services for hospitals be broken down across LHNs and across the forward estimates?
40. Noting that GPs are private doctors, as at October 2019, which public hospitals in regional South Australia did not currently have a local GP providing services within the hospital?
41. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, what was the total expenditure on locums for country hospitals and health care in 2018-19?
42. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, what is the budgeted expenditure for locums in country hospitals and health care in 2019-20?
43. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regard to SA Pathology:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20?
44. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regards to SAMI:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20?
45. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regards to SA Prison Health Services:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTE were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTE are budgeted for 2019-20?
46. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regards to DASSA:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20?
47. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regards to BreastScreen SA:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20
48. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regards to SA Cancer Service:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20?
49. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regards to SA Pharmacy:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20?
50. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports,
dashboards or other public information, with regard to SA Eating Disorder Service:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20?
51. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regard to SA Biomedical Engineering:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20?
52. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regard to Statewide Sterilisation Services:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20?
53. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regard to Statewide Forensic Mental Health Service:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20?
54. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regard to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20?
55. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regard to the Pregnancy Advisory Service:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20?
56. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, with regard to SA Mental Health Triage Service:
(a) What was the 2018-19 expenditure?
(b) What is the 2019-20 budget?
(c) How many FTEs were there in 2018-19?
(d) How many FTEs are budgeted for 2019-20?
57. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, how much of the budgeted $3.3 million in palliative care support for 2018-19 was spent, and on what? Why wasn't the full 2018-19 funding utilised?
58. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, when will the full palliative care 24/7 service be fully operational?
59. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, when will the full palliative care 24/7 service be fully operational?
60. Noting that collated/historical data is not available on the SA Health emergency department dashboard, and that the AIHW does not report on monthly information, nor is it available from any other public source, how many patients waited more than 24 hours for a bed in a public hospital emergency department in each month as per below:
January 2019?
February 2019?
March 2019?
April 2019?
May 2019?
June 2019?
July 2019?
August 2019?
September 2019?
October 2019?
61. Noting that collated/historical data is not available on the SA Health emergency department dashboard, and that the AIHW does not report on monthly information, nor is it available from any other public source, how many mental health patients waited more than 24 hours for a bed in a public hospital emergency department in each month as per below:
March 2019?
April 2019?
May 2019?
June 2019?
July 2019?
August 2019?
September 2019?
October 2019?
62. Noting that collated/historical data is not available on the SA Health emergency department dashboard, and that the AIHW does not report on monthly information, nor is it available from any other public source, what was the longest wait (in hours) recorded for a patient in emergency for a bed for the following months:
January 2019?
February 2019?
March 2019?
April 2019?
May 2019?
June 2019?
July 2019?
August 2019?
September 2019?
October 2019?
63. Noting that collated/historical data is not available on the SA Health emergency department dashboard, and that the AIHW does not report on monthly information, nor is it available from any other public source, what is the number of mental health admissions in metro Adelaide public hospital emergency departments in the following months:
January 2019?
February 2019?
March 2019?
April 2019?
May 2019?
June 2019?
July 2019?
August 2019?
September 2019?
October 2019?
64. Given that no historical information is published on SA Health dashboards, between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2019 on which exact days did the following at some stage reach Code White:
(a) RAH emergency department?
(b) Flinders emergency department?
(c) Lyell McEwin emergency department?
(d) Modbury Hospital emergency department?
(e) Noarlunga Hospital emergency department?
(f) Queen Elizabeth Hospital emergency department?
(g) Women's and Children's Hospital emergency department?
65. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, for each of the following months, how many public elective surgery patients received treatment in a private hospital at the expense of the state government:
July 2018?
August 2018?
September 2018?
October 2018?
November 2018?
December 2018?
January 2019?
February 2019?
March 2019?
April 2019?
May 2019?
June 2019?
July 2019?
August 2019?
September 2019?
October 2019?
66. Noting that this information is not available in budget papers, annual reports, dashboards or other public information, for each of the following months, how much money was spent by the state government to private hospitals for the treatment of public elective surgery patients:
July 2018?
August 2018?
September 2018?
October 2018?
November 2018?
December 2018?
January 2019?
February 2019?
March 2019?
April 2019?
May 2019?
June 2019?
July 2019?
August 2019?
September 2019?
October 2019?
67. Given the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare does not publish monthly breakdowns of the total number of elective surgery operations by jurisdiction and the information is not available in any other public source, how many elective surgery operations on public health patients were performed in public hospitals for each of the following months:
July 2018?
August 2018?
September 2018?
October 2018?
November 2018?
December 2018?
January 2019?
February 2019?
March 2019?
April 2019?
May 2019?
June 2019?
July 2019?
August 2019?
September 2019?
October 2019?
68. Given that no publicly available statements reference the exact amount of flu vaccinations in SA Health storage as at Friday 26 April (and the information is not available in any public source), what is the number that were available on 26 April 2019?
69. Notwithstanding the general frequency of conversations between the minister and the chief medical officer, clinicians and management responsible for influenza vaccinations—on what precise dates were updates or briefings (written or verbal) provided to the minister on flu vaccinations this year?
70. Given the public weekly updates provided by the Communicable Diseases Control Branch of the Department for Health and Wellbeing do not provide a breakdown of unfulfilled GP orders—during 2019 how many orders from GPs for flu vaccines were not fulfilled with the full number of vaccines requested?
71. Given the public weekly updates provided by the Communicable Diseases Control Branch of the Department for Health and Wellbeing do not provide information as to the details of each individual vaccination order, on what date in 2019 was the first order provided to a GP with less vaccines than was ordered?
72. Given the public weekly updates provided by the Communicable Diseases Control Branch of the Department for Health and Wellbeing do not provide information as to the details of each individual vaccination order, on what date in 2019 was the last order provided to a GP with less vaccines than was ordered?
73. Given the public weekly updates provided by the Communicable Diseases Control Branch of the Department for Health and Wellbeing do not provide information as to the details of vaccination orders broken down by individual GP practice, what are the postcodes of GP practices where during 2019 less flu doses were provided than were ordered?
74. Given the public weekly updates provided by the Communicable Diseases Control Branch of the Department for Health and Wellbeing do not provide a breakdown of unfulfilled GP orders, during 2019 what was the largest gap between the number of doses ordered by a GP for the flu vaccine and the number of doses provided?
75. Noting that this information is not available in the state budget papers, in annual reports or dashboards, what is the 2019-20 expenditure budget for the Country Health Rural Support Service?
76. Noting that this information is not available in the state budget papers, in annual reports or dashboards, for 2018-19, how many patient separations were for patients utilising private health insurance at each of the following:
(a) Royal Adelaide Hospital
(b) The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
(c) Modbury Hospital
(d) Lyell McEwin Hospital
(e) Flinders Medical Centre
(f) Noarlunga Hospital
(g) Women's and Children's Hospital
(h) Country Health hospitals
77. Noting that this information is not available in the state budget papers, in annual reports or dashboards, for 2017-18 how many patient separations were for patients utilising private health insurance at each of the following:
(a) Royal Adelaide Hospital
(b) The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
(c) Modbury Hospital
(d) Lyell McEwin Hospital
(e) Flinders Medical Centre
(f) Noarlunga Hospital
(g) Women's and Children's Hospital
(h) Country Health hospitals
The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing): I have been advised:
1. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
2. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
3. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
4. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
5. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
6. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
7. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
8. Staff will be in place by early 2020.
9. Rural Support Service will be located at Beckwith Park 30-38 Tanunda Road, Nuriootpa. The Country Primary Health Network and the newly established Barossa Campus are also co-located in this building.
10. The Rural Support Service has increased by one to approximately 223 staff. 12-15 of these will be based at Nuriootpa at any one time, the remaining staff are located across the state.
11. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
12. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
13. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
14. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
15. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
16. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
17. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
18. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
19. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
20. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
21. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
22. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
23. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
24. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
25. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
26. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
27. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
28. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
29. The Marshall Liberal government is continuing the former Labor government's plan to transition care from St Margaret's.
30. The Marshall Liberal government is continuing the former Labor government's plan to transition care from the site of St Margaret's.
31. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
32. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
33. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
34. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
35. The average wait time for restorative dental care is provided annually in the state budget papers.
36. The member is referred to the previous answer.
37. The average wait time for restorative dental care is provided annually in the state budget papers.
38. The member is referred to public statements made on 15 July 2019.
39. The $4.5 million target relates to 2020-21.
40. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
41. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
42. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
43. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
44. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
45. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
46. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
47. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
48. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
49. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
50. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
51. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
52. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
53. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
54. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
55. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
56. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
57. $1.525 million was spent in 2018-19 to deliver on this government's election commitment to invest in palliative care to more effectively support people in the final stages of their life.
In metropolitan Adelaide this funding has contributed to improving multidisciplinary care by increasing community registrar and nursing hours. Specialist palliative care services have utilised the funding to explore the redesign of their existing services from a five-day model to a seven-day model.
In country South Australia, the funding has helped increase access to end-of-life care at home through extended end of life care packages. Telehealth infrastructure has been improved to increase access to consultation with metropolitan specialist palliative care services. Funding was also allocated to the purchase of appropriate equipment to support people in the community and facilitate earlier discharge.
The paediatric palliative care service based in the Women's and Children's Health Network also received funding in 2018-19 to improve telehealth, strengthen their after hours on-call service and improve psychosocial support for clients and carers.
The remaining $1.852 million from 2018-19 has been carried forward.
The funding allocated to fulfil the election commitment will be fully spent to improve access to palliative care services in South Australia.
58. The Marshall Liberal government will deliver on all its election commitments.
59. I refer to my previous answer.
60. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
61. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
62. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
63. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
64. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
65. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
66. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
67. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
68. The member is referred to previous answers.
69. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
70. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
71. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
72. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
73. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
74. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
75. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
76. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.
77. The member is referred to previous answers provided in the House of Assembly.