Legislative Council: Thursday, October 31, 2019


SA Health

The Hon. C. BONAROS (14:59): Supplementary: can the Treasurer confirm whether the views that he has expressed today, or the justifications he has expressed today, have been directly made to the commissioner and what has been his response?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (15:00): I have indicated most of those views to the commissioner when he first raised the issue. Of course, in subsequent days, I think the letter to which the member has referred is his most recent letter. There was an earlier letter, which came to me, and I addressed the letter. Perhaps the earlier letter went to the Minister for Health and I responded on behalf of the government to him, and that has been released publicly.

I think the member has just referred to another letter that has gone from the commissioner to the Minister for Health in more recent days. I have not spoken to him in recent days, but my experience with the commissioner is that he is very well aware of what members of the government say. He has a very good communications division and reporting division. I have not been backward in coming forward and expressing my views in InDaily, The Advertiser, The Australian, and in the parliament. Commissioner Lander will be well aware of my views.

In response to the final part of the question—what is his response?—I don't know, because he has not conveyed that to me, but I am sure at some stage he will convey his view in relation to the issues that I have raised.

The PRESIDENT: Supplementary, the Hon. Ms Bonaros.