Legislative Council: Wednesday, October 30, 2019



The Hon. I. PNEVMATIKOS (15:17): My question is to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing. Will the government consider outsourcing or privatising any out-of-hospital programs that are currently provided within the public health service?

The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing) (15:17): The hypocrisy of Labor in relation to the use of non-government services and, for that matter, private services is breathtaking. Let me remind the house: when Labor was in power, radiology services at Modbury and Noarlunga Hospital were delivered through external providers. Some of the radiology services at the Lyell McEwin are delivered through external providers. There are 14 country hospitals where radiology services were delivered through external providers during Labor's term.

In terms of hotel services, five metropolitan hospitals—Flinders Medical Centre, Modbury, Lyell McEwin, TQH and the Women's and Children's—received a significant portion of their hospital services through the private sector. In terms of transport, there is a range of private providers who are used to transport patients. Let's remember: this is the former Labor government. I acknowledge that the honourable member wasn’t a member of this council when the former Labor government was in power, but let me let her in on a secret: the colleagues whom she sits amongst were part of a government that put in place one of the largest privatisation deals in this state's history.

This is more than $2 billion to build the new Royal Adelaide Hospital, and for 29 years it will see $1 million each day made in payments to external providers. Also, let's remember that this is the party that closed the Repat and signed a contract to sell almost all of the former site. So I am not going to be lectured by the Labor Party about privatisation.

The Hon. I. PNEVMATIKOS: Point of order: what is the relevance of the response that I am receiving from the minister?

The PRESIDENT: I would rule on it, but your own benches are not allowing me to hear the answer. I would recommend remonstrating with the Hon. Mr Ian Hunter and the Leader of the Opposition. Minister, go on. If I can hear, I will rule.

The Hon. S.G. WADE: We will continue to look for partnerships with non-government organisations and the private sector if we believe it will deliver better value for money, quality health services to South Australians.