Legislative Council: Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Land Tax

The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (15:08): My question is to the Treasurer: is the government's land tax aggregation policy the final version, or will further changes be considered?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (15:08): There was a draft bill issued last night. I encourage the Hon. Mr Wortley, and indeed anybody else who is interested in making a submission on the YourSAy website, to do so should they so wish. We welcome any comment that the Hon. Mr Wortley might have in relation to tax-effective investments in relation to property, if he has an interest in that particular area. The closure for submissions is, I think, 2 October. That is made clear on the YourSAy website.

It is proposed that the final draft of the legislation will be introduced on 14 or 15 October—whatever that Tuesday is of that particular sitting week—with the requirement for the parliament to either support it or defeat it, whatever is its wish, by the end of the year, because RevenueSA requires, they say, eight months, but it will be seven months, to actually make the comprehensive system and policy changes required should the parliament agree to what is a bold, comprehensive land tax reform package.