Legislative Council: Thursday, May 02, 2019


Cycling Events

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (14:34): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question of the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment regarding cycling events.

Leave granted.

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN: Former tourism minister Leon Bignell has been, and continues to be, a powerful advocate for the Tour Down Under and for cycling generally in South Australia. Under his stewardship, we have seen the reputation of cycling in South Australia achieve great international fame and renown. The member for Mawson has recently met with the UCI president, who is now keen to expand events in Australia.

As announced by the member for Mawson, Leon Bignell, on ABC radio Adelaide yesterday, the calendar of cycling events could continue to grow, including a white road one-day race for UCI tour points, the elevation of the Women's Tour Down Under to World Tour status, and a criterium or single day race for Pro Tour points after the TDU, possibly on Kangaroo Island or in Mount Gambier. My question to the minister is: will the minister ensure he follows up on the excellent work of Mr Bignell to secure these additional cycling events for South Australia and, if so, how?

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Mr Ridgway.

The Hon. T.J. Stephens interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Mr Stephens, I would like to hear the Hon. Mr Ridgway.

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (14:35): There's so much encouragement from everybody to answer this one, Mr President. The first thing I will say is that I do not know where the honourable member opposite was when I spoke about my motion on the Tour Down Under yesterday, when I mentioned that we had meetings with the UCI people back in January and we talked about it.

As part of their sponsorship, Santos want to expand the women's tour to a World Tour event and also the white road races and the single, what they call, monument races as well. The Hon. Leon Bignell is about five months behind. It's interesting that he does this to undermine the shadow ministers opposite and undermine the Hon. Zoe Bettison, who is the shadow minister. I would be more concerned, on your side of the chamber, having a backbencher scooting around the world undermining shadow ministers.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: We have already had the meetings.

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Order! I cannot hear the minister.

The Hon. K.J. Maher interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Leader of the Opposition, please!

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: It is also fabulous that this Liberal event was started by John Olsen, Joan Hall, and the Hon. Rob Lucas was here, and it is now 21 years later. The Labor Party are still excited about it because it was a great initiative and has put us on the global stage. I want to know, though, who is buying the honourable member's Argentinian wine while he is scooting around the world.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: It's a sitting week; he's over there. I know he's got a few other things he is doing, but it is interesting timing. As I said, I met—

The Hon. K.J. Maher interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Leader of the Opposition, do you want to answer your own member's question, do you? I would rather the Hon. Mr Ridgway answer it because that is where it was directed to.

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: He always likes to answer his own questions, Mr President. I guess he likes to talk to himself.

The PRESIDENT: Keep to the point.

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: We have had ongoing discussions with UCI and met with them when they were here. The team from Events SA were at a global cycling conference meeting, I think in November last year, to get the latest updates, so we are well aware of all of these opportunities. They will present themselves around 2021 or 2022, in that sort of time frame. That is why Santos signed up again. I must reiterate how delighted we are to have Santos as the sponsor. Kevin Gallagher and the team really embrace the Tour Down Under. It is a wonderful relationship we have with them and they are very keen to see the women's event elevated to a World Tour event as well.

Irrespective of what the members opposite might say, we are on this. We already knew about it, we have already had discussions and planning is well underway. When the opportunity presents itself, we can then implement it. I thank the honourable member for bringing it to the chamber's attention, but I actually talked about it yesterday, when, clearly, she was not listening.