Legislative Council: Tuesday, April 02, 2019


Disability Transport Services

The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (15:22): The reality is that people in shared accommodation, group accommodation, had a shared vehicle that they could use. Now under the NDIS model they will have $2,742 or so, which is less than one return taxi ride a week. Since there is only enough for 50 taxi rides a year—less than one a week—which two weeks of the year will we be able to tell these people not to leave their homes?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (15:23): I am not sure whether the honourable member was listening to what I said in a previous response perhaps, I think, to his original question. The matters of ongoing transport have not been landed at a national level. It's a national matter. It is the ongoing discussion between the NDIA and senior officials within my agency. Minister Knoll and myself, obviously, are working towards a resolution of this. We are well aware that it has not yet been resolved, and we are working towards it.

In the meantime, the Hon. Stephan Knoll's department continues to fund taxi vouchers until 30 June so that people can obtain an additional book if they apply before 30 June, which will provide them with 80 vouchers which they can use as they need. So we are aware that this is one of those gaps, that it is ongoing, and we are working towards a resolution as quickly as possible.