Legislative Council: Thursday, February 14, 2019


Superloop Adelaide 500

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (14:42): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing a question to the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment on the subject of ticket sales for the Adelaide 500.

Leave granted.

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: Last December, I asked the minister—and it was taken on notice in this place—what were the number of tickets sold for the Adelaide motorsports festival. I was told that as a sponsor this information is not the property of the SATC in terms of the ticket sales for that event. My questions today to the minister I do hope will elicit a number in response rather than an anecdote. I know that the minister, when he announced the Superloop sponsorship for the Adelaide 500, claimed that the Adelaide 500 is the 'largest domestic-ticketed motorsport' event in our country.

My question to the minister is, then: what were the ticket sales last year, paid and given away, and will he be able to tell us in a few weeks what the ticket sales were, paid and given away, for this year's event?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (14:43): I thank the honourable member for her ongoing interest in motorsport. I get the most questions from her around the motorsports, so I am delighted to answer this one. The Superloop Adelaide 500 is on in a couple of weeks. I don't have the figures for last year's event at my fingertips, but I will certainly bring back some information on those figures and provide the member with some information.

Of course, at this year's event the Red Hot Chili Peppers is the attraction for the concert on the Sunday night. The informal advice about ticket sales for the Sunday is that it's already a sell-out, so we have got particular interest in that day. But in relation to the actual numbers for last year, I will bring some information either back to the chamber or provide it to the member. I am sure, when all of the ticket sales are completed after this year's event, I will be happy to provide what information I can to the honourable member.