Legislative Council: Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Shack Leases

In reply to the Hon. J.A. DARLEY (4 September 2018).

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services): The Department for Environment and Water has advised:

1. On 4 April 2018, a moratorium on the previous practice of automatically terminating departmental leases upon the death of the last person named on the lease was implemented. Further, all revaluations of shack sites were put on hold until the new policy is implemented.

The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) is engaging with key stakeholders to determine relevant criteria, eligibility, and processes to maintain a lease in return for upgrading shacks to meet contemporary safety, amenity, and environmental standards. Advice is being sought from the Valuer-General on the fair valuation for the sale of shack sites.

2. A draft policy will be released in the coming months for targeted consultation with key stakeholders. The shacks in the Coorong National Park and at Milang will be the first to be assessed against the new policy and it is envisaged that suitability assessment of these sites will commence in 2019.

3. The draft policy will address the relevant criteria, eligibility and process for freeholding of shacks on Crown land.