Legislative Council: Thursday, September 20, 2018


Aged-Care Facilities Audit

The Hon. C. BONAROS (14:38): Is there any intention to undertake a similar audit for those residential facilities that are in metropolitan Adelaide?

The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing) (14:38): Thanks very much for that question. I appreciate that you did ask me that in the first bit, but I did omit to address that. In terms of the health portfolio, there is only one facility in the metropolitan area that has commonwealth-funded residential aged-care beds, and that is the Northgate facility, which is the facility to which some former residents of Oakden were transferred when Oakden was closed in July last year. My honourable ministerial colleague, the Minister for Human Services, does have a number of residential aged care-funded facilities within the disability services network, but the Northgate facility is the only residential aged-care facility in the South Australian health portfolio in the metropolitan area.

I am very pleased to advise the house that the Northgate facility received a very strong accreditation earlier this year. So that one, because it's commonwealth funded, is subject to the full commonwealth accreditation regime.