Legislative Council: Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Parliamentary Procedure

Gene Technology

The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing) (14:17): I seek leave to add to an answer that I gave yesterday to the Hon. Mark Parnell in relation to gene technology.

Leave granted.

The Hon. S.G. WADE: As I advised yesterday, I can confirm that I am the South Australian member of the Legislative and Governance Forum on Gene Technology. The gene technology forum was scheduled to meet on 31 August to discuss two significant items: the review of the gene technology scheme; and the technical review of the commonwealth Gene Technology Regulations 2001. However, the meeting was rescheduled for October 2018. The review of the national gene technology scheme commenced in 2017 to assess the ongoing achievement of the policy objectives of the scheme, taking into account the rapidly developing and innovative area of gene technology. The final report will be presented for consideration at the 11 October meeting.

In 2016 the Gene Technology Regulator instigated a technical review of the Gene Technology Regulations 2001. During preparation of the draft regulations, significant public and targeted consultation took place, including preparation of the regulatory impact statement and the consideration of trade and market access implications.

The draft regulations generally provide greater technical clarity and provisions to adjust the level of regulation of some contained dealing with genetically modified organisms to be more commensurate with risk, and minor administrative matters.

It was anticipated that the approval of these draft regulations would have been discussed at a gene technology forum meeting, but due to the rescheduling of the meeting, and to meet commonwealth parliamentary time frames, an out-of-session decision was sought. On behalf of the South Australian government I responded in support of the draft regulations.

I am advised that the proposed changes to the commonwealth Gene Technology Regulations will provide an interim solution to deal with current uncertainty for operators, and ensure that the scheme continues to operate in accordance with its primary objectives. A longer term solution to ensure that the scheme is able to more effectively and efficiently respond to scientific developments will be addressed in the overarching review of the scheme. If approved by the forum, the draft regulations will proceed directly into the commonwealth regulation-making process, requiring approval from the Governor-General and tabling in parliament. Approval by the forum is required by a two-thirds special majority.

South Australia is a signatory to the national intergovernmental Gene Technology Agreement, and is therefore committed to align with commonwealth legislation to ensure a nationally consistent scheme. Any changes to the commonwealth regulations will require subsequent mirroring in the SA Gene Technology Regulations 2017.