Legislative Council: Wednesday, September 05, 2018


Drink-Driving Fines

In reply to the Hon. F. PANGALLO (5 July 2018).

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer): I am advised:

1. The government of South Australia is aware of the proposal in New South Wales for low-range drink-driving offenders (with a blood alcohol level of under 0.10 who do not have a previous conviction for drink-driving) to be given on-the-spot fines rather than appear in court. The government accepts there is merit in reducing the strain on the court system, and this approach is similar to existing practice in South Australia.

2. The legislation in South Australia provides that first time, category 1 offenders receive an expiation fee of $613 and four demerit points and are not required to attend court. In South Australia, a category 1 offence is driving with a concentration of alcohol less than 0.08 grams in 100 millilitres of blood.

This is lower than proposed by New South Wales (0.10 grams in 100 millilitres of blood), but reflects the established category of offences in this state and must be balanced against improved road safety outcomes and community expectations.

In South Australia, repeat category 1 offenders are subject to escalating penalties and a first court conviction will see them receive higher fines and a licence disqualification of not less than three months, in addition to four demerit points.