Legislative Council: Thursday, August 02, 2018


Members, Public Event Seating

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (14:53): Under section 107, I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing a question to the Hon. Russell Wortley.

Leave granted.

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: As you would be well aware, yesterday in question time, and today it was repeated, the Hon. Russell Wortley, in particular, has made it the business of the council to ask the seating arrangements at public events of a member of this place's partner. My questions to the Hon. Russell Wortley are:

1. Has he, in his capacities, various that they have been, ever asked to be sat next to his partner at an official event?

2. If he has, can he please disclose when this occurred?

3. Will he, at some stage, be questioning male MPs about their seating arrangements at public events?

The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (14:54): I would be quite happy to answer the Hon. Ms Franks' question. I have never, ever asked, if I am not there in an official capacity, to sit next to—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY: Never have I asked to sit next to my—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY: And I have been at times, at official functions, sitting in second or third rows because I would find it quite indignant to sit there and insist on an organisation placing me in the front row. Hon. Mr President, I have been at functions where there have been certain people, like Mr Eddie Lieu, in the front row and federal ministers have had to sit in the second row. Hopefully, that will answer your question.