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Royal Adelaide Hospital Site Redevelopment
In reply to the Hon. I. PNEVMATIKOS (7 June 2018).
The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer): I am advised:
1. The government will establish on the old RAH site:
An innovation, incubator, start-up and growth hub;
An international centre for tourism, hospitality and food services; and
A national gallery for Aboriginal art and cultures.
The government's world-leading hub will give South Australians with imagination and initiative the opportunity to bring their ideas to market and build businesses that can go global without the need to leave their home state.
The government's international tourism and hospitality centre will restore the reputation South Australia once had for training the world's best chefs and hotel managers, showcasing a state with a lifestyle second to none and making our city a mecca for international students.
The national gallery will recognise the unique art and culture of our First Peoples and ensure the world can get to know a lot more about it.
2. This information is publicly available on the Renewal SA website.
3. Consultation, where appropriate, will be undertaken.
4. Arts SA is carrying out further work and consultation to determine the optimal governance/operational model. Once that work is complete the premier will be able to advise where responsibility for running the new cultural destination will lie.
The definition of heritage significance is set out by the Heritage Places Act 1993. The buildings being retained on the site for adaptive reuse include the Eleanor Harrald building, the Margaret Graham building, the Women's Health Centre, the Allied Health Services building, the McEwin building, the Bice building and the Sheridan building.