Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Payroll Tax
The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (14:32): My question is for the Treasurer. Will the Treasurer confirm that revenue from payroll tax is likely to be up by approximately $24 million this financial year and that conveyancing revenues are likely to be up by around $12 million?
The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (14:32): I can only confirm the advice that the Under Treasurer gave the Budget and Finance Committee yesterday, so I have no separate or independent advice in relation to that. The advice the Under Treasurer gave the Budget and Finance Committee is to his and their best knowledge the latest estimates of revenue both from payroll tax and other tax bases. I have no independent or separate advice which would disprove that. So that is the basis of the advice the government has received thus far.
Again, as the Under Treasurer advised the Budget and Finance Committee, we will take the final advice as we prepare the September budget in terms of what the final collections are for 2017-18 and what the latest estimates will be for 2018-19 in the forward estimates years. Ultimately, that's a separate and independent decision for the Treasury officers to take and to advise the government. Those numbers will be incorporated in the budget when it is brought down in the first week of September.