Legislative Council: Wednesday, May 30, 2018


National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (14:26): Supplementary arising from the answer: given that the Treasurer has characterised the Minister for Human Services' answers as entirely accurate, will the Treasurer confirm that he himself has had formal communication with the federal Treasurer on this matter?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (14:26): I am not sure how slowly I have to speak for the Leader of the Opposition. I indicated clearly in my response that the minister's answers were entirely accurate. I'm not sure how much more explicit one can be. I indicated that as Treasurer I had been involved. I indicated also that Treasury officers had also been involved. That is, to any sensible person listening to the responses, an indication that as Treasurer I have been involved in discussions not only with the federal Treasurer but also with other state treasurers as well. This is an issue of shared concern amongst all treasurers in terms of states and territories, but it is much more significant for some states and some territories in terms of the funding arrangements. I think that is probably a fair characterisation of the slightly differing views amongst state treasurers.

I have been engaged and involved, and that is indeed what I said in response to the first question. If the Leader of the Opposition wants me to take up question time by repeating an answer I have already given, I am happy to do so and do so again if he wants to ask another supplementary.