Legislative Council: Wednesday, May 09, 2018


Housing SA

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (14:30): My question is for the Minister for Human Services. Will the minister advise whether she has initiated a full conditions assessment of Housing SA properties as promised within the first 30 days of the government and what she sees as the purpose of that assessment?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (14:30): I thank the honourable member for that question. The short answer is yes. The lack of a condition assessment report on the housing trust stock was raised by the Auditor-General, either last year or the year before, as something that had not been undertaken. I will have a lot more to say in coming weeks in relation to the complete and utter mismanagement of this $10 billion state asset, which was started under the great Liberal premier Sir Thomas Playford and has been allowed to be run down under the Labor Party.

Not having full condition reports of these properties means that the assets aren't being managed in a strategic fashion to know which ones are in the best condition. There are ongoing issues that have been raised in relation to the RoGS (Report on Government Services) report, which is published annually and looks at all the different services, comparing them around the various states and territories. There are a number of properties that are not fit for purpose, that do not meet current tenant needs, so as part of the Marshall government's commitment to the South Australian people about improved services, this is one way in which we are delivering on them.