Legislative Council: Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Queen Elizabeth Hospital

The Hon. S.G. WADE (14:37): Supplementary: given that the key clinical issue in relation to safety was the lack of anaesthetic cover, how did this lack of cover occur and why should it take seven months to fix?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Health, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse) (14:37): We want to make sure that we are employing the best. We want to have a thorough recruitment process around all the required services that need to be in place to be able to deliver a 24/7 cath lab operational in a safe way. The Hon. Mr Wade should take note that this government is serious about taking clinical advice. We are starting to see a bit of a track record develop, where the Hon. Mr Wade, in a bolt to try to have some relevance, in a desperate attempt to try to create the impression that the Liberal Party has a cogent, well thought through health policy, in a desperate attempt to do that, rushes decisions out.

It is starting to unravel. We have already seen reported recently that there is a very large number of clinicians who are very concerned about the Hon. Mr Wade and the Liberal Party's policy in respect of the Modbury Hospital. They are very concerned. Forty-six people have signed a letter to that effect.

The Hon. S.G. Wade: One hundred Modbury clinicians versus zero.

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS: It is very interesting.

The Hon. S.G. Wade: Transforming Health ambassador.

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS: Yet again, the Hon. Mr Wade arcs up when we start talking about clinical advice. I would have thought that that is something there would be a unanimity of opinion around. I would have thought that it is a pretty basic tenet when it comes to the development of health policy that you don't just rush out a policy because we had a reshuffle and you are worried about what might occur, that you are better to work through these complex issues, and they are complex—

The Hon. S.G. Wade: You just can't make decisions. Postpone it until after the election.

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS: There will be a decision. Don't worry, the Hon. Mr Wade. There will be a decision when it comes to our Modbury review and you are going to find out all about it. We are serious about taking on board clinical advice, whether it be at The QEH, whether it be at the RAH, whether it be at the Modbury Hospital, and that is why our health policy will be cogent, methodical and based on evidence and advice, because we want to make sure people get the health care they deserve.