Legislative Council: Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Repatriation General Hospital

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (15:10): Supplementary: can the minister clarify future arrangements for those currently receiving hydrotherapy services at the Repat? Also, is the Repat a latex environment and, if this is the case, why is the NRAH not?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Health, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse) (15:10): What was that last part of the question?

The Hon. K.L. Vincent: Is the Repat a latex environment and, if so, why aren't other hospitals?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS: Is it a what environment?

The Hon. K.L. Vincent: Latex free.

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS: I am happy to receive clinical advice regarding the latex component of the honourable member's question. Regarding the hydrotherapy pool, we have already stated clearly that we have built a brand-new facility at the Flinders Medical Centre. There is a brand-new pool that we believe can accommodate the needs of those people who are under the care of SALHN (Southern Adelaide Local Health Network), to ensure they get access to the services that are quite beneficial to their recovery through the hydrotherapy pool. Those services and those requirements can be accommodated at the new hospital that has been built at FMC.