Legislative Council: Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Transforming Health

The Hon. S.G. WADE (14:39): I have a supplementary question: given that his predecessor never indicated that Transforming Health would make the health system more expensive, can the minister tell us what financial savings from Transforming Health are planned in the 2017-18 financial year?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Health, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse) (14:39): I think that South Australians would be alarmed at the idea that the Liberal Party thinks that money should trump everything when it comes to the health system. We don't take that view. We think that when it comes to saving lives, which is what this job is all about, we make decisions with a view of making sure the priority is providing outstanding health care.

Of course, one has to take into account budget outcomes, and this government has always demonstrated its willingness to put its money where its mouth is when it comes to improving health care for South Australians. Take, for instance, our more recent announcement of a $1.1 billion investment in public hospitals in suburban Adelaide. That is an extraordinary investment that reflects the fact that this government is serious about improving our public hospital system and improving health care for South Australians generally.

Of course, that comes on the back of our already other substantial investments that have now been realised in fact, the most significant of which, of course, is the brand-new Royal Adelaide Hospital. It is a policy which, of course, was opposed by members opposite. We are serious about it. Of course, money is a factor. We have to pay for these things and that has to be budgeted for, but what we have demonstrated as a government is a willingness to do that, a willingness to make sure that health is the priority that people reasonably expect.

This is a Labor government, which means that we place a high priority on public healthcare provision for South Australians. We are proud of our record. We acknowledge that the work never stops. The need to continuously improve public health service provision is something that we take incredibly seriously. We put our money where our mouth is. The Liberal Party look at health care in the context of savings. We look at health care in the context of saving lives.

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: I think it is very disrespectful talking across the room when the minister is giving a very important answer.