Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Personal Explanation
Answers to Questions
Extreme Weather Conditions
In reply to the Hon. J.S. LEE (31 May 2017).
The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety): I am advised:
The Department of State Development (DSD) is leading work to encourage South Australian businesses to think about their continuity arrangements for natural disasters and other events which disrupt the community they operate within.
Unfortunately disaster events are increasing in frequency, severity and complexity, and as a community we are also facing new and emerging threats.
Disaster management, and our ability to collectively recover from events, is a shared responsibility; community members, families, business operators, non-government organisations and our own government agencies all have a role to play in building our state's resilience.
South Australian businesses have access to online tools and guidelines to help them develop their own business continuity plans. These tools include the MyBizShield iPad App which business owners and operators can use to create a business emergency management plan.
Small business are particularly important to our economy but can also be heavily impacted by emergency events. DSD is currently developing a new website specifically for South Australian small businesses which will include updated materials and guides focussed on business continuity plans.
The website will be launched before the end of the year, and DSD will work with its partners and stakeholders, such as South Australia Police, the Local Government Association and existing networks, to promote it across South Australia's regions.
The government encourages business owners and operators to think carefully about their arrangements and talk with their staff to develop appropriate plans.
Businesses play a vital role in our local communities and economies – more resilient and prepared businesses contribute to more resilient communities.