Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
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SA Water Infrastructure
In reply to the Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (11 May 2017).
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change): I have been advised that permanent power generators are stationed at the following pump stations to maintain full operation during a power outage:
Reliance Road, Hallett Cove (WWPS184)
Gould Lane, Stirling (SPS SUB P/S083)
Milan Terrace, Aldgate (SPS SUB P/S306)
The following pump stations have upgrades planned for in SA Water's capital investment period 2016-20, in line with SA Water's Overflow Abatement Program. These are prioritised based on the likelihood and impact of wastewater overflow. Upgrades include the installation of a permanent generator and switchboard replacement to include provision for a generator:
Strathalbyn Road, Aldgate (SPS SUB P/S305)
Mt Barker Road, Bridgewater (SPS SUB P/S321)
For the remaining pump stations mitigation strategies are in place to respond to and reduce the risk of pump station overflow and include:
Priority of staff attendance to pump stations is based on storage availability
Staff arrive at critical sites typically within 30 minutes to install temporary power generators and maintain operation of the pump station
Where temporary generators are not available, consideration is given to hire additional temporary generators
Staff exercise emergency response planning to manage critical and non-critical sites with interim vactor trucking to reduce likelihood of overflow
The risk of pump station overflows are continually assessed in response to incidents and SA Water Asset Management review performance of its wastewater pump stations to affirm the current investment plan and SA Water's next capital investment period 2020-24.