Legislative Council: Thursday, June 01, 2017


Metropolitan Fire Service

The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS (15:16): I have a supplementary question to which the minister may have to come back, but would the minister provide information as to whether the management of MFS actually looks at recruiting some of the very good young women who are CFS volunteers and who have shown themselves to be very good firefighters, albeit in different scenarios? Will the minister bring back some information in that regard?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (15:16): One of the things I love to see when I talk to people, both in the CFS and in the MFS, is the cross-pollination that exists between the two organisations in terms of personnel. There is a colloquial term that is used within organisations about people who wear both uniforms, but often when I am visiting CFS brigades I come across those people who are also employed within the MFS. That is a great thing to see and naturally there are a number of people who come into the MFS or, indeed, into organisations like SAPOL, who have had experience in the volunteer side of emergency services, whether it be in the SES or the CFS. Indeed, it is not uncommon at all.

In regard to the honourable member's question, I am not aware but I am happy to ask a question about whether or not the MFS has a specific policy of trying to recruit or target female volunteers. I know there are a large number of volunteers within the CFS of the fairer sex who do an outstanding job serving our state, and that number continues to grow. More and more women are coming into volunteer organisations, which is a really good and healthy thing to see.

I am more than happy to find out whether or not there is a specific program. I am not aware if there is one and I would have thought that is something I would have been aware of but I certainly know that there is a general effort to look favourably upon those people applying for roles within the MFS who have other experiences in serving the community, particularly in emergency services.